Unhappy Naso


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<span style="font-family: Verdana;">I got a naso tang and powder brown 3 days ago and put both in my 125 that already had a tomini and yellow tang. The yellow immediately started terrorizing them proclaiming his territory. After a day, the naso started ignoring him and was swimming around nicely. The second day, the powder brown started to venture as well and today he is completely happy. The naso, on the other hand, took a position behind some rocks and hasn’t moved all day. He refused to eat since I got him… I tried everything I have, pe mysis, flake, dried shrimp, nori, you name it… what else can I do? </span>
keep your lights off for longer periods the next few days--it helps them acclimate better, too--odds are-if he's getting bullied, he may not come out to eat for fear of getting hurt--until he gets more used to the tank and his tankmates.
Big D;159554 wrote: <span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;">Not sure if you tried it yet or not, but you could soak some Nori in Garlic Guard to try to entice him to eat... some of the times it'll work, some of the times not. You could also try to catch the yellow and put him somewhere else until the Naso gets acclimated. I had to do that with my yellow when I added a purple.</span>

<span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;">Big D</span>
Yes, I was thinking about catching the yellow but I think it would be mission
<span style="font-family: Verdana;">impossible without a fish trap. I was also told about putting some yellow tang pictures on the glass... </span>
the pics. help sometimes; if you wanted to catch him-wait until lights are out for a couple hours,-and then turn them on--the fish are blinded for a few mins. and you should be able to net him up with pretty good ease--good luck :)
If he's being bullied throw some mirrors up on one side of the tank to keep the others occupied. They will respond more intensely to their own kind; ie another yellow tang is way more annoying than any ol' tang. It'll give the naso some time to just mellow out and get adjusted.

It's not uncommon for tangs in particular to take a few days to adjust normally no more than 5-6 days. If it goes any longer than other measures need to be taken.
<span style="color: black;">It looks like the yellow has now lost interest and doesn't care about the naso anymore. But the naso is still staying in one place barely floating and breathing rapidly. I tried garlic food today but he still wouldn&#8217;t touch it. I&#8217;m afraid I&#8217;m going to loose him.</span>
those are not good signs han.

If he's badly stressed, he won't eat. I've had some success with the following treatment, although some still didn't make it:

Catch the naso and put him in a meth blue bath. This will "relax" him a bit (do it in a dark area where he can't see movement and such). I usually do this for about 45min to an hour. THen you can reintroduce him in the display and hope for the best or qt him (although qt is very stressful).

I have a rock that I move in the tank that will disrupt the territory and help with introducing new fish; you may want to try that too.

good luck
<span style="color: black;">I should probably call the LFS I got the fish from. Hoping they will take some responsibility.</span>
they might help you some-but honestly, if he was getting picked on, then the responsiblity isn't really in their hands-just MO
naso's although hardy can get into these spells... my blonde naso went on a hunger strike after having him for over a year, he just stopped eating, he was king of the tank, and eventually died... i did everything i could but he just stopped eating...maybe i should have dosed some prozac in the pappone..
I have some meth blue. You can get it at pets unlimited. It's the only place I've found that carries it.

You can come get mine. But while meth blue will calm the fish I have had some fish die in the soak.
I have Cameron's fish trap.

haninja;159560 wrote: Yes, I was thinking about catching the yellow but I think it would be mission
<span style="font-family: Verdana;">impossible without a fish trap. I was also told about putting some yellow tang pictures on the glass... </span>
<span style="color: black;">I couldn't find meth blue close by but was told that malachite green is basically the same. I managed to catch him by forcing him into a specimen container and gave him a 45 minute green bath. At the end I mixed some food in the water to try to force feed him. He didn't like it and started to stress so I put him back in the tank. He went back to his corner and still breathing fast. I can now see spots on his body...</span>
<span style="font-family: Verdana;">I don’t want to quarantine him thinking it will be even more stressful. Unfortunately, the powder brown that I got with him has spots as well. He, on the other hand, is very active an eating. I’m hoping he should pull through.</span>

<span style="font-family: Verdana;">I called to the LFS that I got it from and they where understanding telling me that if he dies, to bring him over and they will work something out. Then again they are in the process of moving the store and won’t open for 3 more weeks…</span>
<span style="font-family: Verdana;">The naso died the next day :sad: </span>

<span style="font-family: Verdana;">The powder brown is still sick. At some point it appears the ich is going away but now it seems the ich is spreading more. However, he is very active and eating well. </span>
<span style="font-family: Verdana;">What would be the best way to go about it? </span>
<span style="font-family: Verdana;">a) </span><span style="font-family: Verdana;">Shell I try to catch him, quarantine and treat him? The risk here is the stress and since the tank obviously carry the ich, he might get it again when placed back in the main tank…</span>
<span style="font-family: Verdana;">b) </span><span style="font-family: Verdana;">Keep him in the main tank and as long as he is active and eating he might still get healthy…</span>
<span style="font-family: Verdana;">c) </span><span style="font-family: Verdana;">Other options?</span>