Upcoming FRag Swap/Trade show

The show was awsome! I learned a lot and my wife was able to spend all my money on what she called pretty
bcrueter;830446 wrote: The show was awsome! I learned a lot and my wife was able to spend all my money on what she called pretty

LOL Thats what counts. :yay:
I was extremely busy today, lots and Lots of people. Great to see everybody from Georgia. Jason most impressed me on how quick he sets up and ready for business. I did not think he was coming. I did not see him in the hall at 11:00, but by 11:15 he was pushing coral with a crowd around his setup. When he said he was leaving in 2 minutes he still had coral in his tank (yeah right). Next think I knew he was packed up and heading out the door.:wow2:
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I got this neat little favia from JF, and....

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Quarter sized dendro for.... Drumroll please, $20! From kickazz corals.
I got lots and lots of food from Larry. It was so busy I had a hard time looking around. But I did make a trade for a small colony/large frag of Pink Zippers. But Dillon, I love what you picked up.
We got a pair of Blackfoot clowns( thanks spike) frags of,purple people eaters,red people eaters,lumber eclipse,pink zippers, clementines, and a bunch more i forgot the names to. Also we got 10 peppermint Shrimp for 10 bucks.
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Wow! I have never seen a fish swim upside down before. Those must be pretty special. :) Seriously, nice pic up.
rdnelson99;830685 wrote: Wow! I have never seen a fish swim upside down before. Those must be pretty special. :) Seriously, nice pic up.

I hate computers...but they are awesome fish.
Stupid question...was that Jason fox or just someone selling his coral? Because I talkedto him for like an hour and never asked his name. And ill fell like an idiot if it was him.
Wow I figured it was not.he was an awsome guy and talked to me for an hour on really basic stuff of chalise care and gave me allittle chalise as modavation since I'm new with them. I figured if it was actuly him he would not bother with my novice questions.... So now I feel really stupid