update on animals from my 90 gal break down

Vic, I forgot I did get some zoas from you also and they look great! I'll post a pic later tonight.
NO the Pox were not from your tank... I Don't knkow where they came from, but it had been too long for them to have come from you... No wories!!

If you want to play with the big boys & girls, you have to act like 'em. Taking responsability is something that can be very elusive to someone your age! But it is the most important character to become independent (to adulthood), and accepted! Give it a shot! It's best when no one even knows about the situation and you just offer! "Mom, I screwed up and ___________, I am sorry!"

jmaneyapanda;203856 wrote: Well, a quick answer is likely no. Maybe a very small, very slow moving fish (mandarin, goby, etc). But it is quite near impossible for this to happen to a agile nimble fish like a rabbitfish.

For fear of this turning into another "bash Blind" thread- dude, you seriously need to stop making excuses and avoiding responsibility. We have ALL accidentally killed fish through poor husbandry, negligence, whatever. But, every time you make some absurd excuse as to why it wasnt your fault, you will get attacked. And you will never ever become a better aquarist. Find out what really did this fish in, and reverse it. That is what will make you better at aquarium keeping, not seraching for some outlandish excuse as to why it wasnt your fault.
blind1993;203790 wrote: a rock fell on the scribble rabbitfish while i was not home so it died, last week.

I think the rock jumped and murdered the rabbit! It's *live* rock, after all.

And back on topic, Victor, the Darwins are still loving life in their own private 12g nano. I got a GBTA from Bobz last week and after flirting with it for a couple days, now they're just all over it, around it and inside it. They shimmy and dance and are quite healthy, happy critters.

The female Darwin has gotten quite large and the male is a fiesty little scrapper. And remember how timid these guys were? Now that the 'nem is in the tank, the male goes out of his way to nip me.

I've taken some videos of the Darwins in the GBTA. Need to figure out how to post them.

With the exception of my Golden Dwarf Moray, these are my favorite fish and so fun to watch. The nano will be moving to my desk at work soon.

Thanks again.