urchin fetish


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Ha did that get your attention? My blue tuxedo urchin apparently has a fetish with coral. Along with several small shells, its carrying a large zoa and two mushrooms. Should I steal them back or just let it carry them around? I was just wondering if there would be any harm that I am overseeing.
Yah my blue's do the same thing. I say just let em carry them around. I always let mine carry whatever it wants to :). I do rescue the poor snails and hermits they sometimes take hostage though.
they can be hilarious at times. It had a snail at one time, but the best was when it had a little bush of Halimeda. It was ready for halloween!
Here yah go.

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Not mine but you get the picture.
They mostly eat port jackson sharks. Sometimes though they'll eat algae :).
I have a purple urchin in my 65G and one time I dropped the algae clip. I didn't want to go in after it so I just waited until the urchin picked it up. He carried it around the tank for a couple of days before he made it to the top and I could just take it off its back.
My Blue likes to carry ricordia all over the place. Little ******** would rip them up and hide them under the rock.
ha ha that photo looks just like mine. ill try to take a photo later with the shrooms. my camera is dead right now though. i haven't feed mine anything and had it for maybe 2 months. it goes everywhere. i assume its eating algae but i still have some. it also helps clean the acrylic sides but i haven't noticed any scratches yet, which i was cautious about before getting one. i really love mine and so glad i got it :up:
The picture lnked below is mine and I just happend to catch it trying to move a small birdsnest frag that came from Jin about 15 minutes ago. I guess I can't be too upset, he was polite enough to pick it up from the LR base and keep it upright for proper light and flow requirements LOL.

molson;254044 wrote: The picture lnked below is mine and I just happend to catch it trying to move a small birdsnest frag that came from Jin about 15 minutes ago. I guess I can't be too upset, he was polite enough to pick it up from the LR base and keep it upright for proper light and flow requirements LOL.


LOL. He has good taste :).
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finally i got a photo up! the ARC uploader thing has never worked for me. Anyways you see he's got a medium and small shroom and an orange skirted zoa in the back. he better not lose them or ill be mad!
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lol. Looking great :). Mine once had an entire colony of zoas covering his whole body. One day though he finally decided he didn't care for them and let em all go...

Such a fickle lil guy... or I guess it must be a girl since its always changing its outfits :).
Jin you made me wonder about the sex of urchins. ha. so apparently they are definitely male or female.. non of that switching like some other ocean animals do. here is an interesting little article I found about how to determine the sex
Scubagirl12;254493 wrote: Jin you made me wonder about the sex of urchins. ha. so apparently they are definitely male or female.. non of that switching like some other ocean animals do. here is an interesting little article I found about how to determine the sex

interesting...learn something new everyday.:yes:
Nice find on that article. Bravo!

Who would think to electroshock a poor lil urchin into releasing its gametes? I know my big one is a male anyways. I've seen him spreading his seed from time to time. Haven't seen my lil one do much of anything yet... guess I should break out the car battery and clips... :)
FutureInterest;254505 wrote: Nice find on that article. Bravo!

Who would think to electroshock a poor lil urchin into releasing its gametes? I know my big one is a male anyways. I've seen him spreading his seed from time to time. Haven't seen my lil one do much of anything yet... guess I should break out the car battery and clips... :)

im coming over to watch. ill bring "its a boy!" and "its a girl!" balloons just in case