<p style="text-align:center;">Used Aqueon 120 (48X24X24) in EXCELLENT condition Dual Overflow- $280
CoralVue Diablo XS160 - $200
2 Current True Lumen LED Strips 48"
1 All White - $160
1 White/Blue - $100
1 Proclear 36" Dual Trickle Filter w/ Plumbing Parts - $160
Call or come by the store if you have any questions!
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<legend> Attached files </legend>
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CoralVue Diablo XS160 - $200
2 Current True Lumen LED Strips 48"
1 All White - $160
1 White/Blue - $100
1 Proclear 36" Dual Trickle Filter w/ Plumbing Parts - $160
Call or come by the store if you have any questions!
<fieldset class="gc-fieldset">
<legend> Attached files </legend>