UV Sterilizer, worth it or a waste of money?


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Like the title says. I'm considering buying one but I'm not sure it's worth the investment.
Opinions appreciated.
totally worth it in my opinion..especially if you have tangs..it just can get somewhat annoying having to turn it off when dosing certain things..but hopefully the neptune ill be getting in a couple months will take care of that
indecloudzua;943510 wrote: totally worth it in my opinion..especially if you have tangs..it just can get somewhat annoying having to turn it off when dosing certain things..but hopefully the neptune ill be getting in a couple months will take care of that

^^^ What he said about "tangs"? If you are planning on having [any tangs]; you better have an UV sterilizer. A UV sterilizer is on my Christmas list a.k.a. [want list]; no tangs yet.


P.S. I've read to many horrors stories here at ARC about a display reef tank getting infected with ick. When I get my larger tanks setup, you can bet I'll have a UV sterilizer somewhere in the loop of the water column [just my 1/2 cent]
Two things, if sized properly and flow adjusted to your needs: well worthed (not all the uv lights are the same)
Second: if undersized or oversized and improperly adjusted flow, then yes, your wasting your money.
With tangs in the tank, totally worth it IMO. Make sure you buy one properly sized for your system volume. I have and Emperor Hi Output Smart UV.

I find no personal use for them that good husbandry practices can't help mitigate. To me, they're a bit of snake oil. Not to say they're entirely useless, as there are some ancillary benefits. However I don't think they're the ICK PREVENT/CURE ALL that replies in this thread may lead you to believe.
I don't believe they are cure for ich, but a way to keep it from getting out of hand. I don't think a UV will eliminate ich from a reef tank, but it keeps the population from getting out of control by killing the bug in the free swimming stage of its life cycle.
I understand that a UV sterilizer can control ich and algae. Is there any other benefits? I know those are two great benefits, I'm just not sure it's worth the extra $400 - $500.

Is there any benefit to corals?
Curtismaximus;943543 wrote: I understand that a UV sterilizer can control ich and algae. Is there any other benefits? I know those are two great benefits, I'm just not sure it's worth the extra $400 - $500.

Is there any benefit to corals?

Off the top of my head, the only benefit to corals would be clearer water, with more usable light getting to the corals. I have the UV there specifically for the benefit of the six tangs I have.

The clear water goal can also be achieved with a bit of ozone in the skimmer, I would think.I do that as well, but minimal amounts not needing carbon post filtering, etc., and only because I happen to have an ozone unit on hand. I probably don't really need it with the UV, but the UV was added a couple months after the initial setup of the 465, which the ozone on the skimmer was a part of. I just haven't disconnected it yet.
Acroholic;943586 wrote: Off the top of my head, the only benefit to corals would be clearer water, with more usable light getting to the corals. I have the UV there specifically for the benefit of the six tangs I have.

The clear water goal can also be achieved with a bit of ozone in the skimmer, I would think.I do that as well, but minimal amounts not needing carbon post filtering, etc., and only because I happen to have an ozone unit on hand. I probably don't really need it with the UV, but the UV was added a couple months after the initial setup of the 465, which the ozone on the skimmer was a part of. I just haven't disconnected it yet.

And killing bacteria, including Vibrio sp., which has been implicated in many RTN and brown jelly infections and coral demises.
Acroholic;943586 wrote: Off the top of my head, the only benefit to corals would be clearer water, with more usable light getting to the corals. I have the UV there specifically for the benefit of the six tangs I have.

Agreed. I have had two systems that started without UV's and then later had them installed. I did see a noticeable increase in water clarity when adding the UV.
SEA Atlanta;943611 wrote: And killing bacteria, including Vibrio sp., which has been implicated in many RTN and brown jelly infections and coral demises.

That would definitely be an added benefit.

Can you guys recommend a decent UV for me. I have a 120 gal tanks with a 30-35 gal sump. I have a mixed tank but I'm working my way to a sps dominant.
Curtismaximus;943725 wrote: That's the one I am looking at but that price tag is a little much.

Unfortunately yes, but it IS one of the best UVs on the market. I have ran UV for many many years. Also keep in mind a UV lamp will add some heat to the water, so make sure you keep an eye on tank temps. Do it right with this purchase, save up and buy a really GOOD quality product.
glxtrix;943727 wrote: Unfortunately yes, but it IS one of the best UVs on market. I have ran UV for many many years. Also keep in mind a UV lamp will add some heat to the water, so make sure you keep an eye on tank temps. Do it right with this purchase, save up and buy a really GOOD quality product.

So you're saying the $40 ones on eBay are not good enough? But seriously thanks for the info.
Curtismaximus;943725 wrote: That's the one I am looking at but that price tag is a little much.

Emperor is the only UV I use and spec in any project. If you can't do an emperor, go without amd save the cash.
Skriz;943890 wrote: Emperor is the only UV I use and spec in any project. If you can't do an emperor, go without amd save the cash.

That's what I was afraid of. I think I will wait until I can afford a nice one.