UV Sterilizer?


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So, I was just wondering what you guys thought about UV sterilizers in a reef tank. I have been told that they aren't very great for a reef tank because you are killing the organisms and stuff that the corals like to eat. Do you think it is worth it and a good addition or bad for a reef tank? Also would it help at all with algae?

You will get a bunch of different answers....Mine is NO, you don't need one. The ocean is a big cesspool...It's not clean...So our tanks should not be sterile either.

Now the UV guys can chime in.

AH I figured it would be one of these kinds of things where it is hard for me to make a decision lol.
LOL, I have not kept one for years... I am trying out a LITTLE one now to see if I see any difference. So far, less diadomes but that is about it... Won't cure your Ich IMHO. For it to even have a chance at that, you need to run a turbo twist 9 at like 50GPH. At that rate, the Ich breeds faster then you can cycle the water through to kill it!
In addition, you need to keep the quartz clean for it to be effective, which is a pain, and the bulb will become ineffective at ~6 months usage. It will help with your ich issues, but it is not a cure.

Good luck.
LOL you guys guessed it the ICH made me look at these things. That would be great to help with diatoms because they just don't like me and will not go away.
Do you NEED one? Nope. Lots of people run without them. Do they help? Depends on who you ask. They will certainly cut down on parasites, infections and algae problems. They will also nuke various good critters and bacteria as well as good algae. I personally am on the fence.
I run one on each of my tanks, bulbs are expensive but I have had no ick problems since. my2sense.
lol I wish I could have small fish but my Pixie hawk just will not let me. He likes snails and hermits too.
ask 100 people ...get 100 diffrent opinions...i use on and would not go with out one an have not had any problems...have seen people with reefs set them p on timers ..an run them 6 or 8 hours a day...jmo:)
Maroons15 wrote: lol I wish I could have small fish but my Pixie hawk just will not let me. He likes snails and hermits too.

I have a Falco Hawkfish with my gobies...Doesn't bother them...he eats every shrimp I put in there though
UV's have there place and so do Ozone Generators. Both have pro's and con's. I've just moved from 2x36watt Corallifes UVs to a 200mg/hr Ozone and couldn't be happier. I have a powder blue that appreciates the ozone thats all I can tell you.
My opinion (that is all that it is) leads me to the conclusion that the negatives outweigh the benefits. Too much cost and added heat. It kills the microfauna that I want the tank and corals to have. It may reduce some parasites and algae if the dwell time is long enough, the bulb isnt too old, and the units inside is clean. Parasites are not too difficult to keep out of the tank with proper QT. Algae is easy enough to control with proper light, RODI water, and self-restraint in feedings. Why did I need the UV Sterilizer again? Usually the LFS wants to sell you one that is why. Again just my 2 cents everyone. :) :)
I cant find creditable info that assures me that UV sterilizers kill benificial lifeforms in a system. I hear it a lot from people who dont have one and swear that it is true. If somebody can direct us to that info or give solid direct expieriences, it would be good. Opinions are good, but we all have them as well as certain other body parts

I respectfully call the added heat issue "pure misinformation" I run an 18 watt on my predator tank, and a 36 watt on my reef, no chiller, and my temp stays around 73 to 76 degrees, and I have had them off for a time for maintenance, no drop in temp, back on the next day or two, no increase in temp. Now it is all relative I suppose, if you have a 15 or 20 gallons nano, I am sure you would deal with added heat, but by the same token, if you put a 1200 maxi jet in a tank that size, you will encounter added heat. A properly sized UV will not add heat problems.

I have said before and its worth repeating, if an additional 9,18, or 36 watt bulb pushes your reef into heat issues, well you are probably on the edge of overheating anywho and should look at your system design
The added heat issue is not misinformation. It does add heat. The way they work they have to! I agree your tank generally should be able to handle it and that's fine but they do add heat. If you put a very high output lamp right on the water (literally mm's away) it will add a significant amount of heat. I mean if your not running MHs it maybe a non issue but most of us have to deal with heat in some way and it's just another extra element adding heat.

I have one but I only use it for my qt or hospital tanks if a fish has an issue. I know several people who have them on reefs and love them and I know more who don't and have no issues so to each their own.

If UV kills non-beneficial it by deduction kills beneficial. It's not going to pick and choose. I think it's a non-issue to be honest because most beneficial things aren't free floating anyway (save SOME bacteria) so your not going to wipe the beneficials out or anything.
Here are some rather interesting posts:

http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=129757&highlight=UV+sterilizer"><span style="color: #810081;">http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/s...t=UV+sterilizer</span></a>

[IMG]http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=144760&highlight=UV+sterilizer"><span style="color: #810081;">http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/s...t=UV+sterilizer</span></a>

[IMG]http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/s...t=UV+sterilizer"><span style="color: #810081;">http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/s...t=UV+sterilizer</span></a>

I am still on the fence. I love ozone for what it does, but the risks of nuking the tank worry me on that techonlogy.
kwl1763 wrote: The added heat issue is not misinformation. It does add heat. The way they work they have to!
If UV kills non-beneficial it by deduction kills beneficial. It's not going to pick and choose. I think it's a non-issue to be honest because most beneficial things aren't free floating anyway (save SOME bacteria) so your not going to wipe the beneficials out or anything.

Love this healthy debate. But saying they have to because of the way they work is a best guess scenario.

You also answered your own comment by saying that most beneficial things aren't free floating anyway.

I run them, "No" added heat in my system.
Ozone all the way. Assuming everything else is the same, UV adds a significant amount of heat into the tank...

Cameron wrote: I am still on the fence. I love ozone for what it does, but the risks of nuking the tank worry me on that techonlogy.

Do a couple searches on ozone around here. I run mine pretty low- like 25-30mg/hr on my 240+100sump system and it does great, and I don't bother with carbon. I couldn't be happier, and I don't have to worry about a ORP controller failing or probe fouling. IMO Too many people run them very high and rely on the controller, begging for disaster.