Vacation Tank Success


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Got back from my Sunday to Sunday Ireland trip last night and was happy to see that there were no casualties in either tank. Our pet sitter is awesome but she's definitely not a "fish person" beyond feeding them per my instructions.

Some observations -

My JBJ Auto Top Off kind of failed in the sense that the suction cup in the sump had popped off the acrylic and the sensor was hanging way low in the water so it never triggered top off at all. On Thursday, I looked at the tank via the Internet (so cool) and saw that the pump was generating a bunch of bubbles. A quick text to the pet sitter and she added some water from my filtered stash I had at the ready. Problem solved. I had no idea what was wrong with the ATO at that point (from afar). If I keep using the JBJ at all, I'll hang the sensor, rather than using the suction cups.

In one tank (without any Turbos or anything), almost any frag not glued down fell off of the rock it was on. No casualties but frustrating. Wasn't ready to glue anything down but I will, once I figure out their permanent placements.

The light schedules on my leds were probably longer than I would normally have them when I adjust manually so there was a lot of algae build up on the glass. I need to spend some time getting some real programs set up, like I should. I didn't want the pet sitter messing with the lights or trying to clean the glass and potentially scratching something. I still have to spend some time tonight bringing the glass back to its pre-vacation state.

I have two nems and a crab who were very happy to get their shrimp meals this morning.

I'll certainly do a few things differently next time but all in all, it was a success.

An now a few Ireland pix - if you're interested!

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Knowth - 5,000 year old burial site

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Newgrange - 5,000 year old burial site

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View from King John's Castle in Limerick

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A ruin of a monastery we ran into one day while toolin' around the backroads.

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On one of the Aran Islands, they have one and only one wild dolphin, which apparently gets testy sometimes.
Nice to hear. I would totally advise you to use the hooks instead of suctions for your float switch and remember to incorporate cleaning it in your maintenance routine to prevent a disaster (speaking from experience)
Welcome back, great pictures. I would not trust suction cups for an ATO, I us plastic rods for my sensor to slide onto, no chance of it sliding off (tight fit). Have you ever thought of an auto feeder, can you peed pellets or flakes? I recently added the Eheim unit and no longer need my pet sitter.
I've definitely thought about adding an auto feeder. Since we also have two dogs, three cats, a chinchilla and a hamster, feeding the fish just gets added to the three-page list of instructions!

(By the way, I love all the coral I got from you at last month's meeting!)

dball711;1055608 wrote: Welcome back, great pictures. I would not trust suction cups for an ATO, I us plastic rods for my sensor to slide onto, no chance of it sliding off (tight fit). Have you ever thought of an auto feeder, can you peed pellets or flakes? I recently added the Eheim unit and no longer need my pet sitter.
Catgirl29;1055610 wrote: I've definitely thought about adding an auto feeder. Since we also have two dogs, three cats, a chinchilla and a hamster, feeding the fish just gets added to the three-page list of instructions!

(By the way, I love all the coral I got from you at last month's meeting!)

Glad to hear it is doing well and I still have the mesh netting that I forgot to give you.
Great pics! Makes me miss Europe for sure! Glad to hear you didn't experience any tank catastrophes! I'm hoping for the same come December when we take off for Disney World.