Vacation Time!!


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What to do with my fish?

I'm not worried about any of them but the Powder Blue..

The rest of them can eat flakes that drop from an auto feeder- but he thinks flakes are for flakes :)

On a positive note, he's eating everything else I put in there!! Frozen Mysis, F. Brine, Butterfly/Angel Mix, L. Brine.. he's a pig.

I normally would think that he'd be fine- with the recent threads about how fish can live without food for a while because of the absence of the great hand to feed them in the ocean.. but he's so skinny already. I'm feeding him 2-3 times a day and he eats like a pig every time, but I still see that 'flat spot' behind his fin.


Oh, we are going to be going to Panama City from Friday night through Tuesday morning... leaving there Tues. morn and coming home, switching our suitcases out, and leaving right away to go to Pigeon Forge. We'll be there through Thursday. And then we're stopping by the aquarium in TN on the way home.
Do you have a neighbor that you trust that might be willing to come over once a day to feed while you're gone? Once a day is better than not at all if you're trying to fatten him up...
Ya that's all you'll need. I always make up baggies of once a day servings of frozen and just have the neighbor get that out, thaw it for a couple minutesa and dump in. I've done it tons of times with no issues. Even once while your gone on Sunday would be fine. Just make sure it's premeasured and they don't feed any more then you tell them.

I'd worry much more about your corals! Do you have a calcium reactor?
No, I dont. I didn't really think that I needed one since I dont' have anything that fancy.

Do I need to get one?
I don't think I really have anything that is dependant on Calcium- mostly xenia, anthilia, shrooms and zoas.. Does hammer or Btas require calcium? I have two BTAs, 4heads of Hammer, and 1 froghammer.
if you can somehow get your feeder to also drop seaweed, you can use that or you can mix flakes and seaweed in a small blend and see if they fish eat it.