Videos Peacock Mantis and Maroon clowns BTA


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Couple vids bad quality they are from my phone but figured it be a nice change up from the usual posts

These are my maroon and goldstripe clowns about 10 minutes after i added the BTA to the tank Thanks daveatl for the nem."></a>

This is my mantis as he owns a chromis, i was trying to see if he could co-exist with fish before i added valued livestock, but the chromis gets owned

And this is just my peacock trying to dig out some pods from rock
Thanks for all the compliments guys, i normally feed him 1 hermitcrab(pref blue leg) and 1 snail a week, also some krill when im running low on crabs or snails, but he will eat anything you put in there lol the chromis was just a test, Although the most expensive meal he ate was one of those $8 snails from Cap bay the huge ones that sift under the sand. I forgot he was in the tank when i brought the mantis home and put him in that tank, a couple of days later i was walking to the shower and my peacock must have seen his snorkel sticking up from the sand bc he ran over and was digging him up from the bottom of the sand. He then went to work for a while and demolished this guy lol i got a little bit of it on video too.
Perhaps freshwater crawfish would be a cheaper alternative for live food? Just saw">this</a> vid. I see them selling live at several asian markets and they're cheap.
