volunteers/VIP's needed for Atlanta Frag Bash Sept. 30th and Oct 1st


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We need a total of 12 volunteers/VIP's for the event. Six for Friday night from 6-9 PM and 6 for Saturday morning from 8-10 AM. You will be needed to help with setup for show, move and setup tables along with assisting vendors on their move in. BTW our volunteers are our VIP's. The perks for working is you will be able to shop for corals from 10-11 AM on Saturday. You will be able to score the best coral and deals before the doors open. Believe me before a show opens is when I do my shopping. To go along with the early bird shopping Spikes will also have a drawing amongst the 12 volunteers for $100.00 gift certificate. So a 1 in 12 chance, if all 12 volunteers show up. That brings me to this point, if you are not for sure you can make the event do not volunteer. If you are wanting to volunteer state so on any thread dealing with The Bash and also PM us with your name, contact info, and which time you want to volunteer.