Vortech users?

james s_

Active Member
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Anyone using these? What do you think about them since buying them? Ive heard of a few issues with them but for the most part good reviews. Im contemplating buying four of these with the wireless drivers and getting the battery backup.
I bought two and they are awesome.... well awesomely sitting in my garage until I can find time to install them. The only real issue I heard that had me concerned was they emit a low noise when pushing water full out. Not a huge deal but could be an issue for people with sensitive ears.
Cameron;106741 wrote: I bought two and they are awesome.... well awesomely sitting in my garage until I can find time to install them. The only real issue I heard that had me concerned was they emit a low noise when pushing water full out. Not a huge deal but could be an issue for people with sensitive ears.

Ive heard of issues with noise if not properly aligned and the motor on the outside gets kinda hot. But for the most part they have pretty good reviews. I love the fact that the wire and the motor is outside of the tank. The only reason why i would ever decide to put powerheads on the 500gal.

Im thinking of trying the battery backup as well,but it seems like a regular APC computer backup would work just as well. Anyone know?
reef1973;106738 wrote: I like mine. I just got 2 though. Never own a Tunze so I have nothing to compare to. Futureinterest and Jessem are also using them as well. You may want to get their feedback as well. There is another guy but I can't think of his name, he got a few as well. He spoke highly of if as well. I don't think you can go wrong with 4 of the Vortech. You'll like the flow.

The Tunze get good reviews as well but there size is the only drawback to me. I really dont want a big Gawdy Powerhead inside the tank and cords going up. My tank is "in wall" so the Vortech motors on the outside of the tank dont bother me a bit.

Hopefully I wont regret spending the cash?
Computer backups convert AC to DC stored into a battery then out as AC again. The conversion from DC to AC in backup mode can cut the amount of time a UPS will run a load depending on how well the AC sine is replicated. Some units convert to a square AC wave which lengthens the time the UPS can supply power but can damage some power supplies. The Vortechs to my knowledge basically run the pumps in DC mode when in backup mode which yields a longer run time in theory.
Cameron;106762 wrote: Computer backups convert AC to DC stored into a battery then out as AC again. The conversion from DC to AC in backup mode can cut the amount of time a UPS will run a load depending on how well the AC sine is replicated. Some units convert to a square AC wave which lengthens the time the UPS can supply power but can damage some power supplies. The Vortechs to my knowledge basically run the pumps in DC mode when in backup mode which yields a longer run time in theory.

Got ya. Well that sums up which one I will buy.
dawgdude;106760 wrote: Dude just tell me when you will be around and I will come install them for you just to see how they work!
My tank guy has installed them before and he is going to fix em up when he comes out which I think is this week some time.
bonez;106764 wrote: The down side is when a power outage hits they turn back on almost full blast. The batt back up stops this. I also think I will go with an apc much cheeper.

Hmmm not sure I follow you. The Icecap Backup runs the powerheads at 50% when the power goes out. Are you saying the APC would not do that?
I just mean install them in this case. My tinkering days are coming to an end.
Back to the pros of the Vortechs--

I just put two on my tank and am amazed at how much water they move, and the options for flow and randomization. My fish and corals are all much happier now.

The other thing I was impressed with is the tiny footprint they leave in my tank. They are on the side walls of my pentagon, which are black, and you can hardly even see them since they blend in so well!
Glad you're liking them Jesse. I'm rarely endorse products without some sort of commission, but these pumps are just amazing!

One of the big bonuses is that they can be very stealthy since there are no cords in the tank. I've seen people put them behind their rockwork on the backwall of their tank. The flow is so wide that this works just fine and it gives the cleanest look possible, even better than having a closed loop.
Yeah, I'm even thinking of taking my closed loop offline. The extra Dart and OM 4-way probably add a good bit of heat to the tank, and thanks to the Vortechs, I'd probably get by fine without it. The only thing is that since my tank is such a funny shape, the closed loop really helps me get the back corner stirred up...
I love my Vortech and have been preaching that message since I got mine.

But to warn you, don't let the power supply get wet. This is what happens....

I will say that Ecotech has fantastic customer service.
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FutureInterest;106998 wrote: I use two apc's for my backup and it seems to work just fine.
How long do you get when they come unplugged and how old are your APCs? Motors are well known for draining UPSes very quickly due to the phase angle and the conversion involved. MUCH easier on a battery to just kick out DC and power a DC motor as it is a straight draw just like a trolling motor on a boat.
Heres what Melev on Reef Central had to say about the battery backup when I asked him......

"The IceCap Battery Backup is better than a UPS, and here's why:

The pump connects to a driver, and the driver connects to a power supply. The Battery Backup connects directly to the driver.

When power is on, power goes from the wall to the power supply. It is then converted to 12v (I'm guessing), and that d/c power goes to the driver. When power goes out, the Battery Backup already has a fully charged battery at the correct voltage that powers the driver and thus the pump.

If you used a UPS, you'd have to connect the power supply to the UPS. When power is on, it goes through the UPS to the power supply, which converts it to 12v and then into the driver / pump. When power is out, the UPS battery feeds the power supply, which converts it to 12v and then goes to the driver / pump. The conversion a/c to d/c in the UPS, and then the UPS' output of a/c going to the d/c power supply to run the pump wastes a lot of energy. You won't get 12 to 24 hours of battery back up with a UPS.

Two IceCap BB would run the four pumps for 12 hours, which should give you enough time to get back to the house and fire up a generator for constant power to all your key equipment."
Well I just took the plunge and have four Vortech's with Wireless Drivers on the way to my house. Cant wait to play with them :) Man what a Christmas present!