Water Change Station - Plumbing Pipe Sizes


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Was hoping to get some insight from those of you who have setup a water change station. I am getting ready to set mine up (finally), and was getting ready to purchase some uniseals for my two 60g pickle barrels. I was wondering what people's thoughts were on pipe size. I was thinking of going with at least 3/4" dia. pvc, but was wondering if I should go bigger for faster water exchanges, etc... Anyone have any thoughts they'd like to share?
Bgcoop8784;948207 wrote: I use 3/4 on my RO/DI holding tank for the drain and seems fast enough for me, I tend to lose track of what I'm doing half the time, so any faster and I'd waste half my water. But if you are using a pump I'd just go with whatever size output the pump has.


I used 1" but that's because that is the size of my circulation pump.
I use 2" piping to dump fresh water into the salt mix tank and 1" to move the water around.

But my setup is a bit larger, and I hate waiting.
I use 3/4" to tie both my brutes together for mixing and 1" flex PVC going from my mixing station to my sump. Only reason why I used 1" was because I was too lazy to try and cut/fit all the ridgid PVC due to all the bends and turns so the flex pvc made it easy. Just keep in mind how much pressure and flow your mixing pump can handle when considering pipe size. Just because the pipe is bigger doesn't always mean faster. What I mean by that is if you use too big of a pipe, your pump may not have enough power/pressure to push all that water to wherever it is it needs to travel to. Having smaller pipes will give you result in less water pressure within the pipes and make it easier for the pump to push water. I hope that makes sense.
1/4 inch.

I've got 3/4in running from my freshwater container to my saltwater mixing then it'll be pumped into and out of the tank by way of my Liter Meter pumps.

It's still a work in progress but the plan is to have X amount removed while at the same time, X amount is is put back in.

So far, this about as far as I've gotten with it:

Jimsreeftank;948503 wrote: Where did you get the barrels?

Northern Tool, Tractor Supply and the like carry them.
There's someone on this site that has something to do with containers. Containerman maybe?