water changes


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I must be the worst person in this hobby. Ive studied and asked questions and my tank is up and running. My first clown died about Three weeks ago, it looked like it had little micro bubbles on him and his color was fading. I figured it was ike. I did a 30% water change that next day. With all that being said i finally realized ive been mixing my water all wrong. this is a step by step process.
1. I filled my 5g buckets with rodi water.
2. mixed Instant ocean salt 1.021
3. used a power head for about 10 mins :eek:
4. water into the tank.

According to Bob Fenner in "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist" he reccomends making up the water at least a week in advance and even adding a cup of your existing water to the mix. It should be aerated and heated as well. I think some will say at least mix it up 24 hours before you want to use it but if you can do the week, I would. I'd only use water mixed immediately for extreme emergencies.

Don't be too hard on yourself but I'd suggest getting Bob's book. It's a great reference.
Thanks for the info. Im gonna get that book this weekend. I see there a lot more learning to do. Can someone tell me step by step how the mix there water. I know it a lot to ask but i really need more info. What im doing now is

1. filling up a rubber maid trash can with rodi.
2. Using buffer ( ph 8.4 )
3. Using two powerheads.
4.adding salt until in around 1.022

My questions is how long should i keep and airstone in there? and is too days long enought for the water to mix's? Also when topping off my 75g what the best way to mix the fresh water? i've been using ro water and using buffer. do i need to have my top off water the same temperature as my tank...................Thanks everyone
1.026 cool im doing a water change this weekend, it will be set to that thank
ok i have a few 5g ready to go now. I just have to raise up the levels some...........
if you're using a hydrometer, I recommend getting it calibrated, or have someone at your lfs check it against their refractometer. Mine was off by .003 (so 1.026=1.029) not the biggest problem, but can save you trouble later on.

Mix water/salt/buffer.
powerhead (circulation and aeration)
wait 24hrs.
test parameters (ph and salinity specifically)
add to tank
Thanks I haven't thought of checking that. Im gonna do that tomorrow. Im gona set a digital reader soon. I dont really trust the hands....
Here is what I suggest.
<li>put RO/DI in mixing bucket</li>
<li>add salt mix to RO/DI water in the amount suggested on salt label. I use Reef Crystals and I put (2) heaping cups per 5 gallons.</li>
<li>DO NOT add buffer. The salt mix will handle that.</li>
<li>place heater and powerhead in mixing bucket</li>
<li>turn on heater and powerhead</li>
<li>let run for at least 24hrs.</li>
<li>check salinity with a calibrated refractometer</li>
<li>check temp.</li>
<li>commence water change when the temp and salinity are equal to the tank</li>
<li>you may need slightly higher or lower salinity if you are trying to adjust the tanks salinity. I wouldn't recommend more than a .001 difference compared to the tank at any given water change.</li>
I mix my water just as KRB documented. I have never had any problems. I wait at least 24 hours before adding to my tank so the salt has enough time to dissolve.
KRB;185864 wrote: Here is what I suggest.<ol>
<li>put RO/DI in mixing bucket</li>
<li>add salt mix to RO/DI water in the amount suggested on salt label. I use Reef Crystals and I put (2) heaping cups per 5 gallons.</li>
<li>DO NOT add buffer. The salt mix will handle that.</li>
<li>place heater and powerhead in mixing bucket</li>
<li>turn on heater and powerhead</li>
<li>let run for at least 24hrs.</li>
<li>check salinity with a calibrated refractometer</li>
<li>check temp.</li>
<li>commence water change when the temp and salinity are equal to the tank</li>
<li>you may need slightly higher or lower salinity if you are trying to adjust the tanks salinity. I wouldn't recommend more than a .001 difference compared to the tank at any given water change.</li>

I agree, but most often my water will have a ph of about 7.6/7.8 w/o buffer. So I dose a bit to bring it up as needed.
stickx911;185934 wrote: I agree, but most often my water will have a ph of about 7.6/7.8 w/o buffer. So I dose a bit to bring it up as needed.

what salt mix are you using? I would switch brands if you have a ph at that level after mixing. You shouldn't need to add buffer after mixing. The salt mix should have plenty of buffer. I use Reef Crystals and it sits at 8.4 almost always.
its not a good brand (generic). I am switching after I run through the box. He had mentioned that he adds buffer, so I wanted to make sure that if his needs it, do not be afraid to add it because not all salts are set at 8.4.
and don't worry about it, we've all killed (at least most) a few fishes from ignorance, disease, learning, bad info, etc.