Water General/purewaterclub.com RODI?


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I think these are one in the same, but does anyone out there have one from them? I've had mine for about a month now and I still can't figure it out completely. Flippin' directions are impossible to understand and their customer service is quite possibly the worst I've ever experienced. I have the 6 stage with 2 outputs, RO tank and faucet. Help!!:shout:
Man, its so easy. The hoses go in the holes, and water goes in the hoses. What do you want to know?

Where do you live again? You just need someone to come do it for you, as its way easier than explaining verbally.
Thanks Derek, it ALL makes sense now!! Really, I'm having a hard time with all the seemingly superfluous parts. That and I can't figure out how the heck to hook the drinking water tank up to it. Plus, it's leaking like a MOTHER in some spots. Want to see if anyone has any tips or tricks for that.
Yeah Blue, I've done that in most spots. Probably could stand to take some of the connections apart and get the ones I've missed. I'm really looking for someone who owns one that can tell me what a few of these parts are for. And tell me how to hook up the flippin' water tank! :)
for the leaks, use the teflon tape, wrap the threads and don't tighten too much. All of my connections are just hand tight. To figure out hoe to set it up just go to almost any website, they are all pretty much the same configuation, you should be able to find some directions that make sense. The main thing is to split the drinking h2o off before it goes to the DI.
Thanks ejorg, I didn't think about maybe having the connections TOO tight! :) The company sent me a picture of the setup, but it's got different parts. There's a hose bypassing the DI that goes into a carbon stage, then that hose goes to the 4 gallon tank. After that, I'm lost because the picture I have (and the directions) show the faucet coming straight off the unit and not the tank. Like maybe the water goes back to the unit and then to the faucet? I'll post a pic if I have one that shows the whole setup.
I have had this unit for about 3 months including a permeate pump. Let me give you a quick explain how to hook it up w/o the pump.

1. Water from faucet to 1at stage 5 micrron sediment filter (clear filter can with green label on tubing)

2. Water to drain (comes off flow restrictor - red label on tubing)

3. Water from DI filters (5th and 6th stage) this is your RO/DI - good water) If you are not using a storage tank you can put a 90 degree fitting and eliminate this tubing to storage tank and use the tubing with blue label for your good RO/DI water.

You can disconnect the last DI filter from the unit, since it is redundent, and use it when the other one depletes the resin. I did that with mine and my TDS is "0".

Since I hooked a a permeate pump my replumbing of the system was real crazy. The unit works great and I have no problems other than my house water pressure sucks the big one so I only get about 25 gallons a day RO. I never needed more than 5. If I am setting up a new tank I start saving RO water a few days ahead or buy some @ 30 cents a gallon at Publix. Their TDS is about 19. My RO/DI costs me about 3.5 cents / gal which includes the waste water costs.

Hope this helps
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If you are having leaking problems get some teflon tape ( Lowes or any hardware) ask in plumbing section cost about $1. Remove connectors where leaking, remove old tape, rewrap with new tape about 1 1/2 wraps. don't put too much - more is not better. Reconnect fitting. Do NOT overtighten where you strip threads. I had my RO membrane filter leak and one connection. Took apart and replaced teflon tape. No more leak. Oh and I am not using unit for drinkink water. If you are the tubing off the 1st DI filter goes to your drinking water storage tank and the tubing from the 2nd DI filter goes to your fish water storage tank. I use a 5 gallon bucket with the auto shutoff on the lid.
Sorry I can't help here, but I just want to put in a plug for the filterguys -- I ordered their water miser unit, and each line has a different color according to its purpose with a labeled tag on each. It must have taken me about 15 minutes to get the unit all set up, using the manual they sent.

If I hadn't gotten their unit -- i would have had this exact same post.
Thanks guys, I'll try and do it before I have my evening beers tonight! That may make a bit of difference as well. :) Oldschool, I dont believe I have 2 DI filters on this unit. They have several units though.
HA! I think I have it now. I THINK mine spits out RO into the tank. Then when the faucet is triggered, the unit pulls water (assuming all other outlets are closed) back from the tank and through the last carbon filter. Maybe...
HA! I think I have it now. I THINK mine spits out RO into the tank. Then when the faucet is triggered, the unit pulls water, or I guess the tank really pushes it (assuming all other outlets are closed) back from the tank and through the last carbon filter. Maybe...