water params....I need help of course

ok i dosed carbonate alkalinity a few times a day as instructed over the past 2 days and PH is now up to 8.3 or 8.4 (high)

my alkalinity is at 150 ppm or 8.4 dkh or 3meq/l

still everything in the tank looks perfect.....GSP,purple digitata,xenia,shrooms,green staghorn,superman montipora,frogspawn,hammer,candycane

yellow tang, dragon goby, clowns, firefish everything is looking fine eat swimming all coral thriving

was just giving some examples of what i have in the tank
just maintain now with both parts. Keep it steady now. Try not to sway.
ok mystery with my calcium being up as high as it is it should just naturally start to fall as i am dosing alkalinity right? u think if i test every monday and dose accordingly then i will be fine? or should i be testing more than once a week?

thanks again for your help
a tank that is consuming calcium will need to be doses at minimum, daily. I dose 4 times a day. Now with that said, you done have much consuming calcium right now. I would check calcium 2 xs a week until I knew it was steady, and alk 2 to 3 times a week to make sure its steady. Once your corals start grow & calculous algae, you'll need to dose more often. Just keep it steady. If that takes dosing once a week right now, so be it. Just never let it fall or raise into the "danger zone".
ok im thinking it may be best just to test every other day at least for the next week or two so i know how everything is reacting. Do you have a test kit recommendation where i don't have to sit there about put 16 drops of this and 20 drops of that.

like a test strip thing but not test strip i know those are horrible but maybe something a little less time consuming where i can get more "tests" for my money. (if that makes sense)
no test strips. zip. nada.

get an api alk kit for 8 bucks. 8 drops and done.

calcium, I always recomend ELOS. You can try api if you like. It takes a little work to get things stable.
yeah i got ya but like you said 8 drops is a lot better than 15 wouldnt be too bad doing 15 if i was testing once a week but when im gonna be doing this every other day 8 sounds good