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Last night after QT'ing fish for 2 weeks (I know, 2 weeks less than recommended) but they all were healthy and the watchman really needed some sand(getting skinny). I added the following to the 160 cube, 2 Percula, 1 Royal Gamma, 1 Watchman Goby and 1 Golden Coral Banded Shrimp. I know have neough clowns to have a satellite Cirque du Soleil show in my 160!

1 6" Maroon Clown
2 2" Seabae Clowns
<u>4 1"-3" Perculas</u>
7 Clowns total!!!!

Who says that clowns are scary (well maybe Stephen Kings "IT" clown) but not these clowns. It took a little while for the Perculas to establish their rank order but after a few nipping here and there they settled down and I have a small 4 Percula school swimming around. :up:
Mark that is cool. I love clowns. I need to come by and see the progress on the "big" tank.
yeah its pretty neat how your clowns seem to all live in harmony. Glad to hear everything is going well for them. And remember ill take that Gold banded shrimp if it doesnt work out for you.
The Golden Coral Banded was doing well when I placed him in the tank. The watchman and GCB were friends and hopefully they'll find each other in the tank. I'll let you know if there is any issues!
yeah my YWG is paired with a pistol it is really neat! I never knew they could pair with a gold banded thats cool too.
flyingarmy;107939 wrote: Sure Linda...

How big is it? And what would you like in trade?

small... and what I'd like for him is just a good home and maybe a bottle of phyto down the line if you can spare it.

He appears perfectly healthy, but my other clarkii died last week, so I'd definitely Q/T him. He has a lot of personality. Cute li'l guy. But I'm getting a pair of Aussie percs from Tim, and I'm not adventurous enough to mix clowns.

Let me think about it some more. My two have been together for a long time and I don't know if I want to introduce another and try to force a threesome. I'll let you know! Thanks!
flyingarmy;107947 wrote: Let me think about it some more. My two have been together for a long time and I don't know if I want to introduce another and try to force a threesome. I'll let you know! Thanks!
sounds kinky! :fish: :wow2:
flyingarmy;107939 wrote: Sure Linda...

How big is it? And what would you like in trade?
Does it sound kinky when prefaced by this?