well crap....


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So as many of you know I have the solaris led light setup....it was the new thing to have....until now.
I just got an email from the manufacturer about a 400watt equivilent setup. Mine is currently the same as a couple of 250's. So now the question is do I want it?....or rather can I afford to get it and my fiance not notice the difference?
better to ask forgiveness than permission (said the very single man)...
Frank;34550 wrote: better to ask forgiveness than permission (said the very single man)...
I usually top whatever she says with "Im bigger than you and higher up on the food chain"...apparently what works in the wild doesnt work in my house though. If she dumps me and takes my house who can I move in with?
FishyBusiness;34551 wrote: I usually top whatever she says with "Im bigger than you and higher up on the food chain"...apparently what works in the wild doesnt work in my house though. If she dumps me and takes my house who can I move in with?

my place are alway welcome a new light.
WOLFIE;34556 wrote: my place are alway welcome a new light.

Hey and your close to my shop too...too bad that you arent a good looking red head like what I have now :lol2:
ha!?? who said you was welcome at my place? It your light that are welcome
WOLFIE;34562 wrote: ha!?? who said you was welcome at my place? It your light that are welcome

Well then looks like I will be the only homeless man going after spare change with an awesome reef tank in my shopping cart.
I'm always looking for a redhead... oh wait, wrong side of the equation... :D
Bah just buy it man. Write it off as a business expense and take a deduction for depreciation. As for the fiance do what i do: I tend to just buy stuff for the tank and slap it on... my wife doesn't pay enough attention to the tank to recognize new stuff. The other day she saw my mandarin and thought it was the prettiest fish she had ever seen..... It's been in my tank for 6 months.
ah yes but were planning a wedding and she is always looking to see if I buy new stuff...she's crafty like that.
And NO frank, she is mine. We can battle this out in the octagon! Besides she uses my car to get around so I have her locked in :)
In risk of now being off-topic in this thread, here's the press release for the new H4...


The 400watt 48" version is $2,800, or about $500 more than the 250 watt 48".

<p style="text-align:center;"><div style="text-align: center;">[B]<span style="font-family: Tahoma;">PFO Lighting is proud to introduce the
</span>[/B][B]<span style="font-family: Tahoma;">NEW</span>[/B][B]<span style="font-family: Tahoma;"> H4 Series Solaris LED Illumination System</span>[/B][B]<span style="font-family: Tahoma;"></span>[/B]</div>
<span style="font-family: Tahoma;">The Solaris is the first LED System designed to replace Metal Halide and Fluorescent lighting for the Aquarium Reef Tanks. It has been in development for over two years. It will change the way Aquarists light their tanks from now and into the future.</span>
<span style="font-family: Tahoma;">The H4 series (400W 20k equivalent) is the exact same size with the same light spread as the original G series (250W 20k equivalent), but with 30% more light output and 30% more energy usage. </span>
<span style="font-family: Tahoma;">The new H4 series produces </span><span style="font-family: Tahoma;">PAR</span><span style="font-family: Tahoma;"> light output levels equal to a 400W MH 20k. It uses 40% less energy than the 400W MH 20k fixtures it replaces. The life of the LEDs is approximately 50,000 hours, so it almost eliminates metal halide and fluorescent bulb replacements. All heat is radiated up and away from the tank; therefore, it does not heat the water like Metal Halides or Fluorescents. This eliminates the need for Chillers. The room air conditioner needs to work ½ as much since the light fixture produces only ½ the heat of Metal Halides which saves even more energy over traditional lighting methods. </span>
<span style="font-family: Tahoma;">As with the G series, there is a built in microprocessor that controls the H4 series Solaris. This not only eliminates timers, but it allows the unit to dim the actinic blue LEDs, white LEDs, Lunar actinic blue LEDs and Lunar White LEDs independently from 0-100%. This dimming capability opens many opportunities. The light can be adjusted from 6.5K to 22K, or anywhere in between, to set the ideal color temperature. </span><span style="font-family: Tahoma;">Sunrise</span><span style="font-family: Tahoma;">, Daylight, Cloud Cover, Sunset, and the lunar cycle, can all be set independently.</span>
<span style="font-family: Tahoma;">Coral Growth has been outstanding with the new lights. There is excellent water penetration of the light. </span>

[IMG]http://www.solarisled.com/Portals/0/reviews_header.gif" alt="" />
<p style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-family: Tahoma;"></span>
<span style="font-family: Tahoma;"><span style="font-size: 12px;">[B]<span style="font-size: 13px;">[IMG]http://www.solarisled.com/Portals/0/Images/solaris_control_sm.jpg alt="" />
Dana Riddle</span>
[/B]has tested and
evaluated the
Solaris Light.</span></span>
http://www.advancedaquarist.com/2006/8/review2"><span style="font-family: Tahoma;"><p style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-size: 12px;">read more...</span></span></a><span style="font-family: Times New Roman;"> </span>
[B]<span style="font-family: Times New Roman;"></span>[/B]

<span style="font-family: Times New Roman;"></span>

<p style="text-align:center;">Multiple Patents Pending- PFO Lighting reserves the right to make changes to the Solaris without notice.
This web site is still being updated.
Why do the say "The light can be adjusted from 6.5K to 22K, or anywhere in between, to set the ideal color temperature. "</em> and then call the unit a 20K version? I'm guessing a 400W LED is comparable PAR wise to a 400W 20K metal halide but not a 10K.

They aren't kidding about bulb replacement. 50,000 hrs at 8 hrs/day = 17.1 years before your bulbs need to be replaced. When's the last time anyone kept the same lighting for 10+ years???

I've asked before but have never gotten a good response. Who is the competition for Solaris? Is there any? When they get a few good competitors is when the price will drop enough for the average reef keeper to buy these.
FishyBiz....I saw this pic on the PFO website of your tank. Just out of curiosity, what is this guy? (and where do I get one? :) )
<fieldset class="gc-fieldset">
<legend> Attached files </legend>
class="gc-images" title="feb05.jpg_Thumbnail1.jpg[/IMG] style="max-width:300px" /></a> </fieldset>
CGill311;34974 wrote: Why do the say "The light can be adjusted from 6.5K to 22K, or anywhere in between, to set the ideal color temperature. "</em> and then call the unit a 20K version? I'm guessing a 400W LED is comparable PAR wise to a 400W 20K metal halide but not a 10K.

They aren't kidding about bulb replacement. 50,000 hrs at 8 hrs/day = 17.1 years before your bulbs need to be replaced. When's the last time anyone kept the same lighting for 10+ years???

I've asked before but have never gotten a good response. Who is the competition for Solaris? Is there any? When they get a few good competitors is when the price will drop enough for the average reef keeper to buy these.

2 thing turning me away form these light.
1 the cost is too high at this point and my budgets are way toooo low.
2 they are too new andI am sure there are issue that they had not foresee
Have they solved the dimming problem with LEDs yet?

I've read a few DIY LED lighting projects that said the LEDs lost output pretty quickly, as in, noticeable difference after only a few weeks of operation.

Maybe they were using lower grade LEDs.

You might want to wait. I've seen a number of new Solaris lights for sale on RC. All of the sellers said that their wife threatened divorce after seeing the credit card bill. LOL
Ya everybody buy these so the price becomes reasonable!

Seriously the 48" version is the equivelnt of 2 MHs. I get MH setups for less then 20% of that price. Until that equation becomes closer then they won't sell alot, period.

Other question I have is spread. LEDs are very point sources of light. and I'm not sure the units could handle a 30" wide tank. So my tank I can cover now with 5 MHs and lumenarcs would take at least 4 of the 48" units I'm guessing.

But we're getting close! This truly will revolution things within about 5 years I think!
I rather stick with my 400W X 2 that i know works, than go with the led that may or may not grow coral.
CGill311;34982 wrote: FishyBiz....I saw this pic on the PFO website of your tank. Just out of curiosity, what is this guy? (and where do I get one? :) )
thats mine...thats what it is. Nah, its a Flower Anemone. I order about 20-30 a month sometimes. That one just came in much nicer than the others and there has only been a couple of those from time to time that I get. Im getting ready to do another order soon from them but its just luck of the draw.