Well Flatworm Exit IS NOT


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reef safe......before you say the flatworm juice is the problem, the flatworms were not dying yet and they were on the move.

Anyway, Bulldog the Mystery Wrasse succumbed to the deadly mixture. I tried to save him by moving him to another tank. However the freaking stuff got to him...

But I held him in my hand as he died. Once last switch then he was gone. Great fish , here over came a lot

He will be missed
I have been considering flat-worm exit of some sort.... They are absolutely out of control in my tank. I have 2 6-lines in the tank now and am watching to see how they do. Speaking of this, I am moving some LR to a fuge. How can I dip it so they are not living when I put the LR in it? Sorry - just never dipped anything......except marinara.
Our clown trigger died in my hands. Won't do that again. Better to just go into another room and wait until they expire.

Too heartbreaking ~ sorry for your loss.

Hi,I am sorry to hear about your Wrasse, but I would submit to you that It wasnt the Flat worm Exit that got him.After using the product I am sure that you did see Flat worms Fleeing,But there were many more Dying and releasing toxins in your water which probably killed your Wrasse.I just switched all of my Rock and fish from my 65 to a 120 and I had a bad problem with Flat worms also in the 65.I know in some peoples tanks what I am about to tell you simply wont work, because you have too many things to move.But what I did as I was moving the rock from my old tank to the new tank, I set up a "cleaning station" in my garage.I took 4 Styrofoam coolers and set them up on a portable table.I then filled them up about 1/2 way with Ro water and put the proper amount of salt in each one.I then added a powerhead to each cooler to keep everything circulating.As I brought the rock out from my old tank, I would put it in the first cooler and give the rock a rub down with my fingers to get as many off as possible.I would then move the rock to the 2nd cooler where I used the powerhead to blow into the nooks and crannys and get more out.The 3rd cooler was the Flat worm exit dosed tank.I moved the rock there and let it sit for 30 minutes.The final cooler was use to rinse the rock off and blow out any Dead remaining flat worms with the Power head again.I then moved the rock into my new tank,and have not seen a one, nor did I lose any zoes or corals in the Process.Even my BTA went throught the process and he is fine.All the fish remained in the 65 until all rock was in the new tank,and then they were moved.They are all doing fine as well. Flat worm exit works very good and is Not harmful to your fish or corals.What is harmful to your fish is the toxins that the flat worms release when they die.For every flat worm I could see,I probably had 2 or 3 that I couldnt see! This is the reason that if it all possible,Try to separate your fish from the rock being treated. I think Flat worm Exit is an Excellent product as long as you take the Necessary steps outlined in the directions while using it. Hope this helps!
How did your other fish fair?

I recently had a bad experience with flatworm exit as well. I completely under estimated the number of flatworms in my tank. I had been vaccuuming out flatworms for about 3 weeks and finally decided it was time to treat the system.

I actually used a partial dose at about 3/4 strength. Within 10 minutes the entire 125g was like a red tide from all the flatworms. I ended doing two 20% water changes, cleaned out my filter socks twice, emptied my skimmer cup several times (like blood red skimate) and packed the sump with two extra bags of carbon. I finally gave up and just got the fish net and started scooping out flatworms. When I finally went to bed at about 2 am everything seemed to be under control. All fish alive but looking a bit stressed.

Next morning I had lost 9 Orange Line Cardinals, a blue chromis, several cerith snails and bleached out most of my SPS. My ammonia was still about 2ppm even after the water changes.

I have used flatworm exit on smaller tanks before and had no problems with zero losses. I think that it was the dying flatworms and the resulting ammonia spike that killed the animals in my system. :sad:
I am sincerly sorry for your loss and well atleast you will save anyone else from experiencing this thank you for posting.
All other fish (and there is 10 or so more in there) faired fine....No traces of any weird behavior or sluggishness or the like. All eating fine as well.

So it may have been the flatworms, but I say NO. All other fish are fine. I would rather have had the flatworms. I will never use the stuff again. Use at risk.

I followed ALL procedures listed. Ran a canister filter, Carbon, did water changes. etc.

Its not worth it to me. That fish was the best. Anyway.......I will get more Mystery Wrasses.....in time. I usually just toss other fish that die, But this one got a special burial in the garden.
During the flatworm treatment my cardinalfish were eating the flatworms as they were blowing all around the tank like a food storm. My chromis did not seem to be interested in eating them.

If flatworm juice is toxic wouldn't it affect a fish that eats them? I have read that six-line and other wrasses will eat flatworms. Hmm?
Facts first Level.........Fish 30 minutes before the dosage, swimming around playing with his friends....Fish 20 minutes after the drops hit the tank....Fish laying upside down and on his side gasping for breath...

Facts my friend..Facts.

I will blame the product 100% on this one.
I feel your pain Todd, I lot my scooter blenny this week. Committed fish suicide. Only two fish in my tank I make sure they eat, he was one. He would attack the tweezers. We need a forum to discuss departed reef members. We could waller in our misery. Misery does love company.
My condolences todd. Isn't he the fish that lived in isolation in your overflow for months?
That is he...Lived thru 9 months in an overflow....Then a tank wipe out in April when the power went off and I lost 6 fish......Doesn't seem right to die of the Shi-ty chemical......

That was not the way to go. No More Chemicals will EVER!!! hit my tank...I knew better than to try it...Fresh water bath would have been better.

Thanks all...
washowi;64909 wrote:

That was not the way to go. No More Chemicals will EVER!!! hit my tank...I knew better than to try it...Fresh water bath would have been better.

Thanks all...

<span style="color: black;">I'm not a fan of hitting my tank with chemicals either. I'm sure you didn't have much of a choice if your flatworm problem wasn't getting any better.</span>
<span style="color: black;"> </span>
<span style="color: black;">You have my condolences.</span>
hey you should add one of http://liveaquaria.com/product/prod_Display.cfm?pCatId=143">these guys</a> for your bristleworms that is what you are having problems with right

and if you do want to get one you should latch on with [IMG]http://www.atlantareefclub.org/forums/showthread.php?t=6581">him</a> so that you will not have to pay the full amount on shipping
I noticed flatworms floating in the water column as soon as 45 seconds after dosing my tank for the nudi problem. At 20 minutes, the ones in the tank have definitely been dying...

washowi;64909 wrote: That is he...Lived thru 9 months in an overflow....Then a tank wipe out in April when the power went off and I lost 6 fish......Doesn't seem right to die of the Shi-ty chemical......

That was not the way to go. No More Chemicals will EVER!!! hit my tank...I knew better than to try it...Fresh water bath would have been better.

Thanks all...
These are the only naturl way to get rid of flat worms, http://www.marinedepotlive.com/velvet-sea-slug---chelidonura-varians-inverts--nudibranch.html">http://www.marinedepotlive.com/velvet-sea-slug---chelidonura-varians-inverts--nudibranch.html</a>

One of the local shops had a bad case of flat worms and these guys mowed thru them.
The product was the problem even if it was the worm juice that killed the fish. It probably was the worm dieoff but I mean the product caused the worm juice. I hate chemical solutions period. Now I've done it before once in a 20G that was so infested it was crazy with no ill effects but reality is there is enough fish dying stories (who cares if it is from the product or the dieoff even though you followed directions) that I refuse to use it.

Sorry for the loss, awesome fish!