Whale Shark Died At The Aquarium

Thats a bummer. I know it sounds cold, but working in the animal field, I know firsthand that things like this happen. As Mr. Swanagan's remarks said, it is nature, animals are born and animals die. We can just offer them the best care we can in the meantime. And keep our focus, so that the best care can still be provided for the other animals.

Where I work, a mother kangaroo just recently dumped a joey from pouch, so my workload just quadrupled. Maybe I'll name him Ralph, in memory.
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jmaneyapanda wrote: Where I work, a mother kangaroo just recently dumped a joey from pouch, so my workload just quadrupled. Maybe I'll name him Ralph, in memory.

What a great way to lift spirits! Thank you for sharing pics... He's adorable!!
i just got off work there and as i was arriving they were still loading him onto the truck (the employee entrance is at the loading dock, but they had that closed off today). They said they would do the necropsy today but the results wouldn't be conclusive for possibly a couple of weeks. they weren't sure if they were going to get another one soon either.

just a little update
jmaneyapanda wrote: Thats a bummer. I know it sounds cold, but working in the animal field, I know firsthand that things like this happen. As Mr. Swanagan's remarks said, it is nature, animals are born and animals die. We can just offer them the best care we can in the meantime. And keep our focus, so that the best care can still be provided for the other animals.

Where I work, a mother kangaroo just recently dumped a joey from pouch, so my workload just quadrupled. Maybe I'll name him Ralph, in memory.

What a great idea.
Something to be considered too, is that necropsy not only show if something went wrong, but also can prove the opposite. Nothing comforts an animal keeper more after an animal passes, is to learn from the necropsy, that the animals health and conditon was normal and healthy, and they passed from means beyond our control.
jmaneyapanda wrote: Nothing comforts an animal keeper more after an animal passes, is to learn from the necropsy, that the animals health and conditon was normal and healthy, and they passed from means beyond our control.

Good luck with "ralph." We would love to see pictures as he grows up...