What a great day. Found acro eating flatworms in my tank.

mike oglesby

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So today I was looking at one colony of my Joe's rainbow and found flatworms on a dead spot. Took the colony out and dipped it then moved it to a QT tank. That was in my 120 gal frag tank. So I looked in my 210 display tank and found a small dead spot on one of the acros so I cut it off the rock dipped it and yep there were 2 aef in the dip. So I moved it to the QT tank. Took 3 hours inspecting all other acros and found no dead spots. So it begins. Let see how far it goes before it ends. This is day one.
im always fearful of flatworms and just get a melanarus wrasse as insurance in all my tanks

good luck
Feel ya bud, I had a huge outbreak before I tore my last system down. No fun. Good luck with treating it, it can be a challenge. AEFW is the main reason that I will be dipping and QT'ing all corals before they hit the DT. I will be following along, and rooting for you!
we do QT Everything. Our procedure is when we get home dip it all then into qt for 2 weeks then dip again then to the frag tank then once it's grown some we move them to the dt. And we still got aef
Dips supposedly won't kill the eggs, they must be removed manually. I am thinking that I am going to incorporate a 9 week QT process. This will give plenty of time to observe and watch to see if any eggs I cannot find hatch...
That's why we dip then do a 2 week qt then dip again.
You know you think you are doing the right thing and then you still get aef.
Yeah, I feel ya. They are real s***s. What are you going to do in regards to treating it now?
I don't really know at this moment. as for now look at it everyday and remove any acro that shows any sign .
Following along. I have heard from some other people that they only buy the freshly cut frag and then glue the frag themselves after dipping since any AEF can be seen on the frag right off the bat. Not sure if this is true but it makes sense though.
Even the most aggressive dip and QT procedures will not guarantee that no AEFW will appear in your tank. You could QT for months and still have them pop up. It just part of keeping Acros. The Eggs will almost never be fully removed no matter what dip you are using.
Im about to try this

HiImSean;1033392 wrote: Im about to try this

Let me know how this goes. I saw you name in the thread earlier today. Did you get you product yet? Did see some back and forth saying it works, it doesnt work. So I would love to hear your experience.
I have it but I haven't used it. I've been trying to get another tank setup and isolate my SPS but I just haven't had the time to do it.