What are you using for magnesium supplement?


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Just like the title. Also if you need to raise magnesium 100ppm, what would you use?
Epsom salt or Mag flake... or better yet a 1:1 combo of the two. Either will work just fine alone though for the time being.

I have some you're welcome to. Just bring the candy cane over :).
FutureInterest;216469 wrote: Epsom salt or Mag flake... or better yet a 1:1 combo of the two. Either will work just fine alone though for the time being.

I have some you're welcome to. Just bring the candy cane over :).
I have been using Epsom salts in the past. But had heard manufacturers disclaimer about not using DOW flakes in aquariums. Something about them not being able to guarantee purity. Maybe like the warnings on playground sand.

I will p.m. you about good time to come over.
ramone;216476 wrote: I have been using Epsom salts in the past. But had heard manufacturers disclaimer about not using DOW flakes in aquariums. Something about them not being able to guarantee purity. Maybe like the warnings on playground sand.

I will p.m. you about good time to come over.

I meant mag flake. do not know why I typed DOW
I use Magnesium Chloride:Magnesium Sulfate in a 10:1 ratio. I order both from
I use Mag Chloride and Mag Sulfate in a 10:1 ratio. This from Randy Holmes Farley's series of reef chemistry articles from ReefKeeping magazine. They are stickied at ReefCentral in the chemistry forum.

I buy my mag choride in bulk. What I have found though, is once you adjust it, you don't have to readjust it that often. I need to adjust mine once every 3 months or so. Mine seems to stay at about 1300.
get it from bulkreefsupply.com (was twopart) or warner marine.
it takes a really long time & a real huge amount to get it there, but onse it's there, it's there. Very easy to maintein as long as you use a salt with high mag for water changes, so you won't have it deplete.