What can't you keep?


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Stone Mountain
Do y'all have any types of corals that you just can't seem to keep? I've been doing this for a long time and I've tried on numerous occasions to keep ricordea but just can't for some reason. They always seem to vanish and then show up a while later looking really unhappy and eventually just die off. I've tried different varieties, different flow and light levels but I've never been able to make them do well in my systems. It's been years since I've even tried. I used to have the same issue with acans. They'd always look good for a while and then just start to fade. However, I've tried them again this last year in the frag system and they do pretty well now. I'm thinking about giving ricordeas another stab. I'm not a huge fan but I would like to have one or two that do well just to say I can.

So, are there any coral types that you just can't seem to grow? Does it drive you nuts when people say they are "bomb proof" but they just wither in your system? 10 or so years ago goniopora was considered an "expert only" coral and I had a nice little colony that did well right next to an acan graveyard.
Birdsnest. I got a birdsnest and garf bonsai at the same time from the same person. Bird died but bonsai is doing well and encrusting.
I recently got another frag of birdsnest...which is also on its way out. They don't like me.

Also rasta zoas. For some reason, they, specifically, seem to melt away but all of the other zoas do fine.
Anacropora, slowly dies off
Kaleidescope cloves, slowly dies off
Certain montipora just fade away too.

Most everything I get does well.
I’ve always been able to keep softies and LPS but I’ve never been able to get them to thrive into colonies. Granted this is likely my own fail due to not dosing or keeping up with water changes for the trace elements they needed.
Lol. I used to never be able to grow chaeto. All my old pre-disaster systems thrived and did great, and my refugiums supported all types of other macro, but never chaeto. Coral-wise, most of our corals do great- things like Goni, hammers, montiporas, some acros, softies all grow like crazy- but other acropora just sit as small nubs never growing :) No clue as to why.....
I also can't grow euphyllia in my display tank. It's got to the point where my Wife saw one in my frag system (they do well in there) and actually said "Are you going to kill that one too?" I love my Wife, she's awesome but she knows nothing about reef tanks and corals. Except that her husband can't care for euphyllia.
bowzer zoas I can grow any other zoa but them. I did tend to murder SPS early on but have overcome that now
I also can't grow euphyllia in my display tank. It's got to the point where my Wife saw one in my frag system (they do well in there) and actually said "Are you going to kill that one too?" I love my Wife, she's awesome but she knows nothing about reef tanks and corals. Except that her husband can't care for euphyllia.
I can't believe I haven't killed one yet. Through all the swings I've had they are all growing. I did kill that piece of monti cap you gave me .
I also can't grow euphyllia in my display tank. It's got to the point where my Wife saw one in my frag system (they do well in there) and actually said "Are you going to kill that one too?" I love my Wife, she's awesome but she knows nothing about reef tanks and corals. Except that her husband can't care for euphyllia.
So what do you have in your DT? Mostly SPS?
So far have had great luck with all corals, even the stuff I used to kill 15 years ago... with one exception: candy canes. Couldn’t then, still can’t now.

Shrimp, crabs, and other inverts = poof. Lone exception is the hitchhiker stomatella population. In fact, just caught one spraying the smoke in the tank.
To answer, need to know which tank you’re asking about and which decade! Lol

Goniopora were always my nemesis. I had 2 nice colonies die in my 180 over the years. Needless to say, I was somewhat reluctant to try them again. However, I pulled the trigger on a 3 pack of Goni’s from @victorwin recently and they’re doing amazing!

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For some reason my tank hates euhpyllia. I've had the same little hammer frag for over 2 years with little growth. Have tried moving them to different areas of the tank with different flow and lighting, and they never stay happy. I don't understand, because they're hardier than half my other corals.
To answer, need to know which tank you’re asking about and which decade! Lol

Goniopora were always my nemesis. I had 2 nice colonies die in my 180 over the years. Needless to say, I was somewhat reluctant to try them again. However, I pulled the trigger on a 3 pack of Goni’s from @victorwin recently and they’re doing amazing!

IDK it seems like gonis are going to be the next big "thing".
The torch craze is leveling out ( probably due to supply) and I think the mushrooms are sort of fizzling (probably due to ugliness ;) )
Amazeballs is blazing the path but it seems that there has been an explosion of designer gonis recently.