What can't you keep?

Right now I'm having trouble with SPS. They were growing good for a little while then Dino's wreaked havok on my tank. After I dealt with that and took care of the Dino's...
I've had the worst luck with SPS. They just seem to slowly fade away...o_O
Let’s add firework cloves and elegances to my list. I’ve tried fireworks 3x and elegances probably 6x and none have made it very long. Cloves last about 3mo before melting. Elegances anywhere from 2 weeks to 6 months. Gonis also suck but alveopora do well.

This hobby is great 😂
For me right now is chalice corals they just lowly die away but everything else grows. Don’t know why tho. 🤔
I've had various different corals that would never survive for me. Pre-crash, I had massive acropora colonies and loads of other sps, but euphyllia didn't do great & I would kill Lords in a week. A year post crash and now every acro frag I add melts slowly and painfully (with full polyp extension, mind you) but Lords and hammers are exploding with growth!
Part of it is my all of my RO filters being out of date, but y'know, it's easier to say it's some sort of freaky streak of bad luck...
There are just so many factors between water flow, light, aggression or chemistry from coral in the tank.....I purchased some small orange ricordia and it is growing, because I target feed with my small fish food pellets....have all of four months experience now with Ricordia.

Purchased a beautiful, acclimated, full head (not fragged) elegance, and it was stunning for all of three months, then shrunk to tentacles of one quarter inch in length (for weeks). A friend relocated the wall colony to a "dirty water old school tank" where the elegance recovered to full expansion, and has remained quite happy the five months, lol!
Do y'all have any types of corals that you just can't seem to keep? I've been doing this for a long time and I've tried on numerous occasions to keep ricordea but just can't for some reason. They always seem to vanish and then show up a while later looking really unhappy and eventually just die off. I've tried different varieties, different flow and light levels but I've never been able to make them do well in my systems. It's been years since I've even tried. I used to have the same issue with acans. They'd always look good for a while and then just start to fade. However, I've tried them again this last year in the frag system and they do pretty well now. I'm thinking about giving ricordeas another stab. I'm not a huge fan but I would like to have one or two that do well just to say I can.

So, are there any coral types that you just can't seem to grow? Does it drive you nuts when people say they are "bomb proof" but they just wither in your system? 10 or so years ago goniopora was considered an "expert only" coral and I had a nice little colony that did well right next to an acan graveyard.
I can’t keep bubblegum digis and space invader pectinia. It’s been a year so I will give it another go.