what could have happened?

I'm 90% sure it was the lfs but I won't disclose it on public forum. I knew better then getting water from there
The-Bubonic-One;782851 wrote: I'd rather them not say may not be the source and it would paint them in a bad light
im not asking bc i think its something they did.. i ean e said e has been usig that water so i sure its ot te water. i st wat to kow bc i dont know of an lfs out this way.. that cold be 5 mins from im i want to check them out
mysslyss06;782855 wrote: im not asking bc i think its something they did.. i ean e said e has been usig that water so i sure its ot te water. i st wat to kow bc i dont know of an lfs out this way.. that cold be 5 mins from im i want to check them out

Sorry... try English lol totally joking :unsure:
Sorry, now that I understand your post, seriously....I couldn't comprehend fully...No punctuation gave me a headache, along with many other members....English works, but perfection is not necessary.

Ok, ok...got it...

Do you have a Publix near you?

They have decent RO as stated above. Get a Rubbermaid brute or 5-10 gallon bucket and buy your own salt like IO.... Invest in a refractor meter and you are good to go, without worrisome issues like you now have...
It is a large bioload but I don't think lack of O2 would be the issue right after greater than 10% WC if it hadn't been an issue before. Any change in past hour? Better/Worse?

Also, I'd guess you're using Exotic Pets of Carrollton, only because that's the only marine shop I see on google maps that could qualify as a 5min drive. IDK anything about them, but maybe someone else knows their reputation.
mysterybox;782875 wrote: Still, if the water want aerated.....

If the water wasn't aerated.This is what I am thinking. The water was co2 rich from a new mix causing the replacement to have low Ph. Then after it was poured in the tank the co2 dissapated causing the Ph. to appear normal.

Or it could have been just short on oxygen.

Just grabbing a straw
Shrimp are very delicate if it was a ph swing they would die long before fish, same with cal and mag levels. your tank is small was your angel pacing back in forth on the glass? Were the scales raised or have white lines eather on or under the scales? The wc could of stressed the pore little guy to much. If he is still alive can you post a pic of him it would help. It could be a parasite ,infection or malnutrition.

Just for you MB incase I forgot eny .........,,,,,,,,,____"""'''(())--++;;//??**&&%%$$##@@!!€€¥¥££~==^^[[]¡¡»««§§¦>>><<}}{:)¿:););):(:':)':)o:eek::p:$:$:S:S:$:eek::(..::,
check your refractometer calibration >? ReefKeeper from here told me a story of how an entire system was nuked because his calibration was off! Keep check on it.

I'm sure you're competent... but this sounds like a major "big deal" parameter that got thrown out of balance some how...

My first suspect is salinity... Next would be Alk and or PH... All these things COULD have been caused by a water change...

WHat about a broken heater or something that is leaking electricity into the water?

Just got the water I did not use tested and the ammonia was off the chart! How is that if he sold me freshly made rodi salt water????

Edit: And no the angel did not make it he passed late last night I did a big w/c using water from my 150 reef and the anthia and shrimp are showing no signs of stress and are eating.I leared I need to be more carefully where I get water and will not be going in that store again. Just sucks my fish had to suffer. Thanks for all your advice and putting up with my bad aditude .
bcrueter;782968 wrote: Just got the water I did not use tested and the ammonia was off the chart! How is that if he sold me freshly made rodi salt water????

The container you use to carry the water: do you use it ONLY for new, clean water, or do you also use it for waste water?

I've seen folks do that - use the same container for their waste water and it's not cleaned or dried, and they put new water in it, and the old water that was festering in there, fouls the new. If/when I see that happening I point it out.

OR, was your water container used for another purpose? (With or without your knowing). Once a customer of mine had his SW bucket "borrowed" by his brother to wash his car... customer didn't know - bucket still had soap residue in it. It didn't end well.

Low oxygen IS a distinct possibility too, if the water wasn't aerated first - especially going into a small tank. In a larger volume of water, adding some with low O2 is less likely to cause a problem but in a small tank it can have a huge impact, and the larger creatures that need more oxygen will suffer (or perish) first, and the smaller creatures with less demand can often survive it.

bcrueter;782968 wrote: Just got the water I did not use tested and the ammonia was off the chart! How is that if he sold me freshly made rodi salt water????

Edit: And no the angel did not make it he passed late last night I did a big w/c using water from my 150 reef and the anthia and shrimp are showing no signs of stress and are eating.I leared I need to be more carefully where I get water and will not be going in that store again. Just sucks my fish had to suffer. Thanks for all your advice and putting up with my bad aditude .

I was thinking Amonia but I was not sure?
I had a friend that this happened to him in his tank also.
I keep a bottle of AM Guard as a back up but without having a tested the water right off the bat you can't really tell. After everything dies in the tank it could have spiked the Amonia or your water could have came that way?
saltbubbles;782960 wrote: So Publix water is good for mixin'?

not perfect like ro/di at 0, but It's pretty close! Usually under 10 in tds which was actually less/better than most lfs carried at the time that I went to (5 years ago?).
way, way better than tap, and way, way better than not doing a water change.