What do you do when your purple Tangs has ich?


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My purple tang looks like he may have the begginings of ich. Any suggestions on how to help him out. I have thought about altering my specific gravity.
If you can get him in a QT tank. I have some Green Ex that I can lend you that is GREAT stuff. LMK
Get some neon gobies....they pick ich off fish from what I hear. Run UV Sterilizer....that works..also help keep the others from getting it by killing the parasite.

But don't treat your tank with anything, get him out to do that.
Kelly, How bad off is he right now?!? What else is in the tank. There are a few routes you can go. I personally try to QT and medicate as a last resort. I would start reading up on it and fast... Good place to start is here: http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2003-08/sp/index.htm">http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2003-08/sp/index.htm</a>

If you have any questions, please feel free to shoot me a PM.
Kelly, How bad off is he right now?!? What else is in the tank. There are a few routes you can go. I personally try to QT and medicate as a last resort. I would start reading up on it and fast... Good place to start is here: http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2003-08/sp/index.htm">http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2003-08/sp/index.htm</a>

If you have any questions, please feel free to shoot me a PM.
You could also try a Cleaner Shrimp. But I would recommend getting him out ASAP so the others do not get the parasites as well.
Maroons15 wrote: You could also try a Cleaner Shrimp. But I would recommend getting him out ASAP so the others do not get the parasites as well.

If one has it, chances are you have to QT everything. Tangs are just the first to show the signs but it is in the water and thus you are screwed. Proper procedure is to remove all the fish, QT and do whatever treatment you are going to do, and let the tank run Fallow (without fish) for 4-6 weeks.
My blue tang used to get it alot and I would just put Green Ex in the tank and she would be fine the next day. None of the other fish got it and the treatment never hurt anything. However don't use it when you have a feeding clip in the water because well the clip is now green.
My purple tang popped up with ich a couple of years ago. I just put metronidazole into his food and covered it in garlic. Never had a problem again. There has also always been a cleaner shrimp in there too so Im sure he helped out.
kelly3341 wrote: Did you put it in the tank with inverts?

Yeah I had a coral banded shrimp, peppermint shrimp, snails, hermits, and condy anenome. Oh and a big Brittle star. I still have him!
as an initial help, as long as he's eating soak his food in kent's Garlic Xtreme. He's ok with ich on his body as long as its not in his gills, and that's what the garlic soaked food helps prevent, i believe.
I have a UV sterilizer you can borrow. You can add garlic to the fish food.
Kick ick may be safe to use, because sometimes it is impossible to get the fish out if you have a reef tank. It has worked for me twice. lost one and saved my Purple tang.
Kelly . ick with tangs in a reef is not fun..a couple times i have used kick ick..with good results..other times not so good..you might wanna try a fresh water dip if you can get the fish out...then qt it in a diffrent tank for a while..also a uv..is a good why to go imo..just my 2 cents...good luck
Here's an update on my actions so far:

4-5 days into the break-out of the infection:

I have treated my 100 gallon tank with Kick Ich, 8oz 3 days ago, and 8oz yesterday. I have purchased 2 skunk/scarlet cleaner shrimp. I have purchased Kent's garlic extreme and have put 10 drops on some sea weed every day for 3 days. I have seen little progress with my fish in terms of less ich, and I am now considering borrowing another members UV sterilizer for a bit. I know it takes 3-7 days for the ich to drop off the fish...I think?

Any suggestions?
I Strongly recommend Green Ex! It is GREAT stuff and it has always worked for me and my Blue tang in my reef. Like I said you cannot buy it anymore but I still have a couple bottles if you want to borrow some.