what do you use - transformers off floor of stand


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The transformers for my Hydras got wet this morning lay in on the floor of my stand. Can anyone suggest a way to get this and other electronic equipment off the floor without mounting anything permanently to the stand? There's not much room left. The stand is 48" x 24" with a 36" sump in the stand along with a 3 compartment dosing set up.

If it's something you don't use daily put a small plastic tub with lid in the bottom of the stand, insert electronics, cover with lid. I've got towel on top I use and replace when needed...
JDavid;966573 wrote: Velcro

Won't work. I tried it with my AI Sols. The transformer/ballast gets to hot and the adhesive pulls loose.

There's not really many options to mount them without doing something permanent to the stand. In my previous stand, I created a shelf on the inside to put ballasts up on. I wish I had more ideas for you but I don't. The best thing is to keep them out of the stand.
Thanks. I think I am going to try a combination of velcro, placement outside of stand, and a dry box like those used on boats. I will mount my tunze osmolator with the velcro provided, the transformers on a pegboard attached basket behind the stand, and other odds and ends in the stand in a dry box.
