what else would you guys say is safe to put in my tank


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its a 55gal and a fowlr right now i have
fire fish 2
cardinals 2
six line

i was wanting to do maybe another wrasse
or a pair of clowns?
maybe a shrimp/goby pair but not all of them
if a wrasse what will be cool with the joker(six line)
lol i knew when i seen your name what you were going to say lol.. but the thing is if i do them i want something that not everyone has.. so what would you say would be a good pick
<span style="font-family: Arial"><span style="font-size: 14px"><span style="color: #000099">Semi Picasso Clownfish</span></span></span>
If you want more wrasses you will need to remove the 6line first. It might kill the other wrasses.
nickskains;266017 wrote: If you want more wrasses you will need to remove the 6line first. It might kill the other wrasses.
+1 if you want multiple wrasses they need to be ones like fairys or flashers
<span style="font-family: Times New Roman"><span style="font-size: 13px">I have a spawning pare of true </span></span><span style="color: black"><span style="font-family: Arial">Percula's and 2 clarkiis in my 55 ,I had 3 but one got sucked up in the power head yesterday oops..</span></span>
nickskains;266017 wrote: If you want more wrasses you will need to remove the 6line first. It might kill the other wrasses.

well tim tols me i could try another lined wrasse he told me the same thing abot the six line but as i told him the joker dont give anyone a hard time its the flame that does that lol
Yea, my flame is evil too. :sad: I have a 6line but due to my luck with fish I have decided to steer clear of any other wrasse till it is gone from the tank. I have heard to many bad stories about them to chance it, that and the money factor. Can't afford to buy a nice flasher and watch it get killed. Just be careful if you do add another wrasse to the tank, you might not be able to get them out if they end up fighting, which would result in one dying.:sad:
johnr2604;266020 wrote: +1 if you want multiple wrasses they need to be ones like fairys or flashers

+2 You're going to get your best color and character from these guys. Best livestock investment I've made was a carpenter's flasher wrasse. NICE color, good movement, peaceful. A six line doesn't compare, but I did notice that your wrasse is named - so... Do what is right for you.:thumbs:
You could try a large 8-line like the one at the coral tank at MF. He has so much personality and gets along with the 6 line very well.
have a pair of tank raised ocellaris clowns for a good price if you are interested in clowns.</em>