What foods does Everyone feed their Reef?


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I was just wondering what everyone feeds their reef tank. I currently feed mine Frozen Brine (thawed of course) Krill, mysis shrimp, and omega one flakes every now and then. For the inverts, we use Marine snow and KM Phytoplex. Everything seems to be doing great, but would like to add some variety????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????:fish:
I'm not a fan of Kent foods- I use DT's instead. I also use reef chilli and tigger-pods every now and then- the corals seem to like it.
I use Kent foods for their convenience. I can leave them under my tank and not have to worry about them going bad (They have a 6 year shelf life). Plus, I don't have to walk to the refrigerator to get them because I'm lazy like that sometimes. I use Phytoplex and Zooplex...sometimes with a splash of chromaplex. Every once in a while, I'll throw in some DTs oyster eggs, and they also get whatever my fish don't eat i suppose...
Total Color Marine Flake Food everyday, Marc Wiess Soft Coral Grow whenever I think about it (hopefully atleast once a week), Frozen variety pack (clam/shrimp, Brine, Mysid and a Kelp) once a week, Kent Micro vert (which is junk, but use it anyway, sparingly) and phyto (whenever I grift some from Mark and use twice a week)
wbholwell;77983 wrote: I'm not a fan of Kent foods- I use DT's instead. I also use reef chilli and tigger-pods every now and then- the corals seem to like it.

Where do you get your reef chili? I can't find it any place.
I'd still like to see some homemade recipes

Brandon says his is *secret*, but there are enough of us to take him and force it out of him.... Ya'll with me?

georgiasunflower;78014 wrote: Where do you get your reef chili? I can't find it any place.
Reef Chili can be had at http://www.twopartsolution.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=77&zenid=ae34522160c6efb63f8fc9518dfac13d">Two Part Solution</a>

I also feed Cyclopeze, Formula 1 & 2, Kent Zooplex, Kent Reef Plus, and my home-grown phyto.
George;78022 wrote: Reef Chili can be had at http://www.twopartsolution.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=77&zenid=ae34522160c6efb63f8fc9518dfac13d">Two Part Solution</a>

I also feed Cyclopeze, Formula 1 & 2, Kent Zooplex, Kent Reef Plus, and my home-grown phyto.[/QUOTE]

Yea they are out. Sadly every place I have checked is "out of stock". If you see any please let me know.
georgiasunflower;78036 wrote: Yea they are out. Sadly every place I have checked is "out of stock".
Looks like Premium Aquatics has some.

I get my reef chili from premium aquatics:


A lil bit of chili goes a long way... Truthfully though I rarely feed my corals these days with the exception of my anemones. I'm a believer in [B]Reef Reaganomics[/B]: As in you feed the higher organisms and the nutrients will trickle down and feed the rest of your inhabitants, whether by food they missed or recycled food.
FutureInterest;78046 wrote: I get my reef chili from premium aquatics:


A lil bit of chili goes a long way... Truthfully though I rarely feed my corals these days with the exception of my anemones. I'm a believer in [B]Reef Reaganomics[/B]: As in you feed the higher organisms and the nutrients will trickle down and feed the rest of your inhabitants, whether by food they missed or recycled food.[/QUOTE]

GREAT they had it... thank you. My anemones and Corals look great so maybe they don't 'need' it but I like to have it on hand.
Thank you very much
I use the San Fran Salt water Mix (4 frozen cubes) with brine shrimp. Seaweed sheets, Flyingarmy's Phyto.
Frozen Mysis (but I don't thaw it) I think there maybe good stuff in the frozen parts..Plus I break a big chunk off and hold it in the water and all my fish come eat out of my hand.

Then of course flake. I use Frozen Cyclopeeze, and frozen squid, and Nori, and anything I can find.

The key I find is to mix it up every day..The fish don't get the same stuff all the time. Just like us.
Linda Lee;78016 wrote: I'd still like to see some homemade recipes

Brandon says his is *secret*, but there are enough of us to take him and force it out of him.... Ya'll with me?


Yes it is vey top secret... But I think I will write a WIKI on it since I will NEVER sell the product at my current rate! Just give me a bit of time to write it...
George;78022 wrote: Reef Chili can be had at http://www.twopartsolution.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=77&zenid=ae34522160c6efb63f8fc9518dfac13d">Two Part Solution</a>

I also feed Cyclopeze, Formula 1 & 2, Kent Zooplex, Kent Reef Plus, and my home-grown phyto.[/QUOTE]

What size jar of Chili do you get and how long does it last?