What happens when big dreams collide with a small budget


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My overloaded pico

I know its not sightly to see in a display tank, but if I were you I'ld put a lil pill cover on that floatswitch just incase a snail decides to want to park on the switch and move it. So it'll look like this:


just make sure you drill small holes in it so water can go it ;) This also helps with the current in the tank to not bob the switch. Other than that its looking greaat!
impressed huh, yeah I have tons of tid bits but you usually get to them befor I can spill the beans :) I'ld just hate to see a snail make your whole top off empty, make a mess of your table and possibly kill your inhabitants...esp over a simple addition as a pill bottle.
lol it just dawned on me the title of this thread, I find it funny cuz I started off with a 2.5-3g acrylic tank my bud made for me with one piece of LR a damsel and some macro algea, then it all went downhill from there :p although youre one step ahead of me, I didnt get coral till I stepped up to the 10g.
As a matter of fact, my bud and I have discussed that very mod. Just haven't done it yet. Last week, an Astrea went wacko and slid onto it. Despite being pulled down, we left some slop in the float and sure enough it worked without overflowing!! I still may add the "perforated film canister" over the float in the future. Thanks for the tip!