What is it??


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Kennesaw, GA
In the time honored tradition of “what the heck is this in my tank”... what the heck is this in my tank??!??

My corals started declining over the last few days. I siphoned out a bunch of this “snot” Wednesday, and did a 20% water change. I vacuumed as much of this crud out as I could.

It’s back in force today. The corals are looking better. I’ve got another 20% change ready to go and will vacuum more of this crap out.

Any ideas on what I’m doing wrong to keep it multiplying are welcomed!! Or if it’s just “sit tight and ride it out” let me know and I’ll try to chill

Thanks, all!!!4E4D59E2-5AD3-44E9-96FE-A427C328374F.jpeg4E4D59E2-5AD3-44E9-96FE-A427C328374F.jpeg4E4D59E2-5AD3-44E9-96FE-A427C328374F.jpeg5981C585-F7EE-49D0-A123-00FF554D731A.jpeg
If it’s brown and jelly like it’s dinos but it looks more like a bacterial bloom.
Being that you described it as snot, it's probably dinoflagellates. Dinos occur when nutrient levels are low (nitrate and phosphate), you can feed more often, add nitrate and phosphate supplements, and/or reduce water changes. In doing water changes you are reducing nutrient levels to an even lower level which is compounding the problem. To be honest, young tanks are usually ugly due to being immature in chemistry and bacterial growth.

I recently read that a product called Vibrant can be used to overcome Dinos, but I have no experience with it personally.

A photo with more white light would be helpful. How Aten are you doing water changes? What are your parameters?
All - thank you for the responses!! Here’s another photo. My iPhone just wants to emphasize the blues :/

Sorry for not posting a more info before!! The tank is about 2 months old. All parameters are in good shape:

Salinity: 1.026
PH: 8.2
DKh: 8.5
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 0
Phosphate: 0

Water changes are usually every two weeks, but I had a bad cloudiness issue recently so I did a big water change. That’s when this white stringy crap started appearing.

I have been dosing Nopox, trying to keep nitrates at a low level, but it recently dropped to zero suddenly. I’ve been reducing the dosing slowly, but it hasn’t come back up.

Sounds like that is the culprit :/

I do feed heavily, but perhaps I can do a bit more. I guess I’ll store the salt water I made up for tonight’s water change. Well, I want to get the streamers out, so maybe I’ll have to swap a little bit out.

I, too, have heard good things about that product. Perhaps I can find it locally....

Thanks, all!!


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Yah, my experience has been with the red and green slimy stuff before, but I've never seen this clear/white version. From what I can tell, Vibrant should clear it whether it's dinos or bacterial. I was about to move a yellow tang out of quarantine. which should help raise the NO3. I think I just over-dosed the NoPox.

Thanks again, all!!!!

I don't recommend using products that interfere with the natural cycle of new tanks, all you are doing is prolonging the completion of the cycle. Natural bacteria need to form and grow as your nutrient export biological filtration. Once this happens your nitrates will be maintained at a lower level with out additives, it's all just part of the process. My personal recommendation is to discontinue nopox and feed regularly, you can remove the snot with a 1/4" air line so that you don't take out much water, it's important to not alter the water chemistry and let it stabilize by itself.
I don't recommend using products that interfere with the natural cycle of new tanks, all you are doing is prolonging the completion of the cycle. Natural bacteria need to form and grow as your nutrient export biological filtration. Once this happens your nitrates will be maintained at a lower level with out additives, it's all just part of the process. My personal recommendation is to discontinue nopox and feed regularly, you can remove the snot with a 1/4" air line so that you don't take out much water, it's important to not alter the water chemistry and let it stabilize by itself.

Yah, I already stopped with the NoPox. Thanks for the heads-up on the 1/4” tubing - brilliantly simple!! It doesn’t seem to be stuck as well as some of the other stuff I’ve had on previous tanks.

My big problem is that it - or something - is really weakening my corals. And I’ve had tanks get out of my control with algae in the past. I’ll hold off on the Vibrant for a little while and see what happens.

To add insult on top of injury, this tank is going to be upgraded to a 50 gallon within the next few weeks.

I just love to suffer :)

Thanks again!!!