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Okay, so I've had this Flame angel for... 6 weeks? I didnt QT him (I know I know...), but the LFS had him in their system for 4 weeks (or so I was told) and he looked great, was eating etc.

Now, other than pissing off my SPS (and waiting for eviction), I havent seen any other issues with this guy. He eats whatever I throw in the tank, doesnt seem to get harassed by or harass any one else in the tank, and has plenty of LR to swim in and out of.

Since a day or two after I put him in the tank, he developed dark patches along the top of his body, forehead, upper lip etc. In fact at one point, his upper lip was white for a few days, then black... and has been ever since?! I assumed this was due to stress and would go away as he got acclimated to his new (now temporary) home because at the store he was vibrant and had an excellent color. His color and pattern were what got me to pay what I felt was too much for this type of fish. Well, the black along the top of his body hasnt gone away. I've tested my setup and alk, ph, temp, sg all seem to be stable. I havent been able to test my trates (test kit ran out and I havent bothered to replace it), but everyone else seems to be doing fine.

Anyways, I went out of town for a few days on business and when I came back I noticed that he has a little divot above his left eye. I think HLLE?, but then there isnt a corresponding divot on the other side. No one else in the tank looks to have the disease and I cant feel any stray current in the tank. My GFO and Carbon are in the sump and only gently rolling (both were rinsed into a bucket until clear when initially setup).

Here are some bad pictures (I really wish I could take pics like some of you guys on here).
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I know they suck, but any ideas about the coloring? He gets a regular diet of 2x spectrum pellets and 1x rods or mysis each day and nori a few times a week (nori only lasts like 0.34 seconds in the tank between the tangs and the melanarus wrasse). Honestly, the rest of him looks good. he's fat, alert, all over the tank pecking on stuff, etc...
Grant I don't know much but the dark patches could be something to do with where it was collected.

Yeah, except they weren't there at the store. Hmmm... It's really the darkness along the forehead and upper lip that has me confused. Its like he got sunburned?! For the last six weeks?
don't take offense to this, because I know you're an experienced keeper, but were the spots there all day? Just during the evening at low light lvls?

SnowManSnow;676311 wrote: don't take offense to this, because I know you're an experienced keeper, but were the spots there all day? Just during the evening at low light lvls?


hahaha! No offense taken Brandon. I may have been in the hobby for a while, but there is muuuuuch I still dont know.

No, the spots are there all day. And, I wouldnt really call them spots. It really does look like he got charred... if that makes ANY sense. I know the pics above are crappy, and the first two are on the side where one light had already gone out for the evening, but you can still see what i'm talking about. The darkness over his head... its there all the time.
look at the nem marks halfway down the page..if ya have a nem that is:
There's a nem in there now, but that just got put in the tank from the sump about a week ago.