What is killing my coral


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So my coral has in general been looking good.

But suddenly 2 days ago one head of my hammer died. Then yesterday 2 more heads are dead, the last head is looking closed up

The hammer has been in same place for months and had no issues, nothing has changed around it or touching, the heads are just dying quickly

On another note my anemone decided to move and settled ontop of my leather which is looking very deflated and sad.

Should I cut the leather and move it, looks like it will die if I leave it alone with anemone on top
Seeing any brown slime around the fleshy part of the base of the hammer?
temp did drop to 74, I have it back at 78-80 range

No slime that I can see
How fast did The temp drop and how quickly did you bring your temp back up? Sudden swings can really stressout or kill coral.
Looks brown-jelly-ish to me, but the pix aren't clear.

How long did you have the specimen?

Any upward temperature spikes? That's usually the culprit, but any swing in temp makes them unhappy and can be fatal. Otherwise they are a pretty hardy coral.

Think i know. I had an enenome, don't know what kind. It had a red disc base, 4inch long thick white tenticles with pink tips.
It disappeared a couple of weeks back and i have not been able to spot it.

But, i think i just did. It appears to have lodged into some crevice inside my rock work, completely covered. The tenticles look like they are reaching up and touching the underside of the hammer.
I think that it is singing the hammer from underneath the stony hammer structure

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Yep that can do it. Sounds like a Macrodactyla doreensis.
