Maroons15 wrote: Yes before buying critters to control it find out why this is happening.
Xyzpdq0121 wrote: Good point. How long has your tank been set up? Do you have a stocked fuge? What is your NO4 and PO4 readings?
I forgot to meanton a Sally Lightfoot crab to take care of hair algae. That thing goes to town on it.
I have had an emerald do this as well in an old tank. If you have any precious clams, think carefully before you put a crab in the tank. Most crabs are opportunistic feeders and will go after tastier easy prey like clams, especially if the selection of algae withers. Once one is in your tank, it can be a pain to remove it.Maroons15 wrote: Emerald crab. But I now do not trust them because I woke one morning and found him eating my maxima clam. He wasn't just eating things off the shell he was eating the actual clam.
GaDawg wrote: O.K. Would a salfin tang fit in a 29 gallon tank.