What is the maximum amount of tanks you have had running at one time?


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Cumming, Georgia
What is the maximum amount of tanks you have had running at one time?

For me it was a Biocube 29 gallon tank, another Biocube 29 for quarantine/hospital tank, the Red Sea 525 (which is the only one running now), a 13.5 gallon Fluval Evo and a 3 gallon Pico tank.
No biocubes running? Sounds like you better change your name to “redsea525brandon” 😏😂
I’ve only ever had a 75g display and a 30g QT running on my own, but in college my buddies and I had a 29g biocube and two fluval 10gs that we kept on top of our cabinets in the kitchen! It was a pretty laid-back setup, just live rock and some clowns, but it was enough for the space/time that we had there!
Just to clarify, only the 10 gallon tanks were on top of the cabinets 😂 the biocube was on a dining table thing so it was shared between the kitchen and the living room. It was awesome!
I'm at 8 currently 4 salt (55 main tank, biocube 29, nuvo 8 kitchen tank, and a 40 i keep full of rock and cycled media) and 4 fresh (10 gallon hospital, 55 main, 20 long planted and a 36 turtle tank)

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Managing an LFS single handidly... 24 separate saltwater systems (maybe 60ish tanks).

...i dont ever recommend more than 2 tanks. Any more is wayyy too much IMO