What is this ? Do I need to kill it with fire ?


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I got this frag of Caulastraea at the March meeting . It has since been covered in what looks like a sponge ? I didn't put any sponges in there so I'm assuming it was already on there maybe dormant ?

Anyway is this thing going to kill everything and take over my tank by morning ? Do I need to burn it ? Kinda freaking me out a little. It didn't look like that Friday . IMG_20190327_184850.jpgIMG_20190327_184826.jpgIMG_20190327_184826.jpg
Wow. It kinda looks like a sponge but I don't recall seeing any sponges on the frags. I also don't think a sponge could cover that much in a 5 day span. But when I really look at it, you can see the little siphons that are on sponges. Wish I had a better reply but have you tried picking at it? Sponges are, well, spongy.
Sponge is no big deal, I have like 5 kinds all over my tank.

the hair algae on the other hand....