What is your experience with Splendid Dottyback aggression?


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Hi ARC, considering adding one of these to my new setup in a few weeks. I've ready that they can be really big jerks like all other dotterbacks. Do you think I would be okay adding one to a 46 gallon cube with a 7 year old clown and a tailspot goby. Just dont wanna risk my old girl getting hurt. :)
They used to be one of my go-to fish and I had one in both of my main systems for years. They are dottybacks but I never had an issue with any of the one's I've kept. I've always kept them with a clown but, in your situation, I would be a bit nervous about the tail spot goby. Splendids are awesome fish but they will work over anything that occupies the same reef=space and anyone that looks similar. I've moved on to the much more chill Royal Gramma to occupy the same place in my tanks nowadays.
They used to be one of my go-to fish and I had one in both of my main systems for years. They are dottybacks but I never had an issue with any of the one's I've kept. I've always kept them with a clown but, in your situation, I would be a bit nervous about the tail spot goby. Splendids are awesome fish but they will work over anything that occupies the same reef=space and anyone that looks similar. I've moved on to the much more chill Royal Gramma to occupy the same place in my tanks nowadays.
Thanks for the good info! I think I'll pass. Considering a melanurus or yellow coris for a 46 gallon cube too, but just dont wanna risk anything too aggressive!
Here's the thing - I finally got away from the Splendid's because I wanted a wrasse and they really don't get on well. In your situation I would go with the yellow coris because I've never been too thrilled with the malanurus I've kept in the past. They always hid...a lot. I know there are some that are quite gregarious but between those two - I'd go with the coris.
Here's the thing - I finally got away from the Splendid's because I wanted a wrasse and they really don't get on well. In your situation I would go with the yellow coris because I've never been too thrilled with the malanurus I've kept in the past. They always hid...a lot. I know there are some that are quite gregarious but between those two - I'd go with the coris.
Went with a yellow coris wrasse and so far it's one of the most docile fish I have ever owned. It's about 3 inches long and hides in the sand from about 6pm to 10 am. Very chill little guy.
They really are one of the best. I'm in the process of rehoming an eel (I need to catch him) and I'm getting another yellow coris as soon as I do.
My melanurus is actually pretty active in the tank and out all day...one of my favorites. Actually just added a yellow coris too and they all seemed to be getting on well first day but now he's disappeared into the sand for the better part of 2 days...will see what happens when he finally (hopefully) decides to emerge again
dottybacks will be fine with those other fish. The splendid is a more docile species as well. They just don’t like other similar shaped fish.