What kind of fish are these?


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I was at my school's gym where they have an aquarium and I saw these two fish and had no idea what kind they even were... maybe some kind of wrasse? Sorry this pic is so bad quality its with a camera phone, but I think you can still tell.
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Very Good guess! See, he gets pictures published and now he know all the answers!
tedman920;38069 wrote: I was at my school's gym where they have an aquarium and I saw these two fish and had no idea what kind they even were... maybe some kind of wrasse? Sorry this pic is so bad quality its with a camera phone, but I think you can still tell.

Is that the fish tank in the CRC at Georgia Tech?
the CRC has a really nice tank my mom works in the accounting section for the CRC and she always tells me about the pretty fish lol
yeah they are from the CRC! and I think you nailed it with the ID. I've never seen/heard of those before. Are they not very common?

Also this picture was taken a few months ago, I just now got it off my phone. More recently I haven't seen them. Anyone know where they went?
Xyzpdq0121;38091 wrote: Very Good guess! See, he gets pictures published and now he know all the answers!

on rare occasions, even a blind squirrel finds a nut... :)
So it's cool to know there's other GT students in the ARC. I thought I was the only one.

Anyone else a student here?
my brother goes there. Ill be a ga state student next fall! we should definetly have an atlanta college reefers meeting.
My friend Vinay (also an ARC member who doesn't use the forums AFAIK), is a GT student in the STAC program.
I agree with Andy. I was up at Marine Fish a couple weekends ago and they had a fish in there for sale just like those. They called them "orange spot file fish". They are sort of a light green colored body and orange spotted hince the name.
MattTVI;38076 wrote: my guess...

oxymonacanthus halli

Or it could be a "Oxymonacanthus longirostris" aka "Longnose Filefish" or "Orangespotted Filefish".

Per Scott Michaels' <u>Marine Fishes</u> book (p407), "Oxymonacanthus longirostris" is rated as extremely hard to keep and difficult to feed, but when it does feed "it specializes on the polyps of Acropora. Will ocassionally be coaxed into eating live grind, but this rarely meets its nutritional needs..."

I'm from GT, and my 5 cents is that it is a salt water fish that seems to be not reef safe, and living in a badly decorated tank. Keep it Gangsta Cuz!
Like Bob said, those are a terrible fish to keep in aquariums- they only eat acro polyps. Those fish will be dead soon. Its a shame.
You sure about that? I was diving in Destin and had filefish all around me....

I don't think there is an acro polyp within 2000 miles of Destin.