A year. Came from another member who had it a couple months. I believe it was sold to them as a Tomini.
White tail maybe? How long have you had it?
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I've seen tiny tomini tangs colored up alreadyYes, I've considered that, but every picture I've seen of a Tomini has orange or yellow on the fins. This has absolutely no hint of that. At what age do they start to show, or reach adult coloration?
Never heard of that one before. Except for the dark scalpel area and bottom spot it looks close. I'll see if he gets to 8".looks like a lavendar tang?
Perfect match except mine has a spot on top at the back of the dorsal fin.Possibly a ctenochaetus cyanocheilus. It’s tricky when it’s in the same family of other bristletooth tang.
Another great match except mine doesn't have the bottom spot. You and Austin are both really close, the "ctenochaetus" is definitely correct.Looks like a Blue Eye tang to me.
Ctenochaetus binotatus
View attachment 48892
Blue Eyed Tang
The Blue Eyed Tang, Ctenochaetus binotatus, is also referred to as the Two-Spot Surgeonfish, the Two-Spot Bristletooth Tang, or the Blue Eye Tang. It features a orange/pinked body with white horizontal lines and yellow finnage and deep blue eyes.The Blue Eyed Tang thrives best in tanks with...www.saltwaterfish.com
Blue Eye Tang – Harry's Marine Life