what kind of water can I use for salt ??


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I just got a nano cube 24 gallon. I am intersted in the hobby. I read a book that says use r/o water. But I dont have any, can I use regular tap water for mixing saltwater??
you could tho its better to use ro. Just make ure you add some kind of conditioner to it, like "prime" that will remove cholrine and chlormine. You planning on jsut having a fish only or reef?
You can use regular tap water that has been declorinated, <u>BUT</u> RO or RO/DI would provided a much better environment for your livestock. Tap water may contain metals, chemicals, and other nutrients that can create problems when they begin to build up in your aquarium.
it is going to be live rock and some fish, thanks for you replies.
yes like unwanted algea :yuk: Then again if you keep up with your water changes and conditioning the water its not sooooo bad, I have a 25g anemone tank at home and I just use regular tap water.....they seem to be happy as can be......hmmmmm maybe its the halide blasting on them tho??? lol.
glxtrix wrote: yes like unwanted algea :yuk: Then again if you keep up with your water changes and conditioning the water its not sooooo bad, I have a 25g anemone tank at home and I just use regular tap water.....they seem to be happy as can be......hmmmmm maybe its the halide blasting on them tho??? lol.

How dare you treat your anenome's that way!!!:D they deserve the best!.. jk yeah i would get an R/O unit it makes all the difference in the world!! might want to check the phosphates in your tap water also...
Welcome to the ARC!!!

You'll definately want to go with RO water instaed of tap. You can pick it up at most LFS (local fish stores) and some supermarkets carry it. Long term you will start to see what a difference it makes in fighting algae.
As Tony said, you'll be fighting a constant battle if you use tap water. One alternative is to have a separate tank/container with carbon that you circulate some tap water in for a few days. The circulation will off-gas the chlorine and the carbon should take care of the nitrates and phosphates that will inevitably be in tap water.

Otherwise, you'll be getting hair algae from the start.

Another alternative is to use a Tap Water Purifier - a DI-only solution that's relatively cheap:
My first tank was a biocube 24...I used tap water...fought nitrates forever and was just never right....go to your local fish store and get RO....youll appreciate it in the end

BTW...Welcome and enjoy
Where the h*** did this Thread come from?

We should play a game and occasionally resurect archaic threads and just continue with them, pretending they are still relevent......
Dakota9;394828 wrote: Where the h*** did this Thread come from?

We should play a game and occasionally resurect archaic threads and just continue with them, pretending they are still relevent......

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