What skimmer should I get?


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I have a 90G with a 29G sump. I'm currently using an Aqua C Remora in the sump, but I want to replace it. I won't have enough space in the sump so my new skimmer will have to run outside the sump. I've been looking at the AquaC - EV180 and the MR-1/MR-2 Skimmers. I don't want to have to adjust or clean the skimmer everyday. I want something that I can set and forget. Aside from cleaning the collection cup I would like the maintenance of the skimmer to be minimal. What should I get?
Since I have had only 3 skimmers in my life and I wouldn't reccomend 2 of them to anyone, I would reccomend Euroreef but I don't think they make a unit that can run outside of a sump. I will say that I ran one of the other 2 (I won't reccomend) outside the sump and it was a pain. If anything changed, it would overflow and spill all over the floor. If you do run one outside the sump, see if you can place it in a container to catch the eventual overflow or better yet, have the container drain back into your sump...
I, as of yet do not have any direct experience with the skimmers. I am just starting out. However, in the research I have done the Euroreef receives good reviews. The RC Series(Recirculating Series) can be run external. They are also using Eheim pumps now.

Here is a link to there site.
The one on the front is one of the new Eheim driven RC Series skimmers.

The EV-180 is a great skimmer but can be real finnicky and I would not necessarily recommend it at a "set it and forget it" solution. For that, I would look into an octopus recirculating needle wheel skimmer, matched to your tank size. I have heard great things about these skimmers, have seen them in action, and believe they have an external model (not 100% sure on that last point, just do a search of their website). The price is right, and they are getting rave reviews.
I'm leanings toward the EV-180. I've read many posts about the constant maintenance required by the MRC skimmers. My water quality is excellent as I do not overfeed, but I will be increasing my bioload, so I wanted a better skimmer. Yet, I don't want to have to clean it every couple of days.
I clean my MRC about every week or two. That's no more maintenance than any other skimmer out there should require. Everyone that has an efficient skimmer will tell you that their's is the best and all the rest are horrible. All the high end ones are about the same- you have to just choose one that works best for you.
why not buy mine? j/k it is for sale though if anyone needs a huge four beckett recirc. skimmer!

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The EV-180 still requires regular maintenance, in my experience. As the reaction chamber and neck get coated with gunk, skimming usually becomes much less efficeint, so you have to try to keep it gunk-free. I never had that problem with a needlewheel skimmer, though. I'd still consider one for the simplest, most maintenace-free solution, but the EV-180 and MRC skimmers are all great skimmers as well.
Maybe when I build my 500 in 2-3 years ;-)

46bfinga wrote: why not buy mine? j/k it is for sale though if anyone needs a huge four beckett recirc. skimmer!

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Why do I get this big childlike grin on my face when I see that monster skimmer sitting there in all its glory?
I love that monster skimmer sitting there perfectly clean and then the next picture of it hard at work pulling buckets of skimmate out of the water.
God I am such a nerd. :sad:
JustOneMoreTank wrote: Why do I get this big childlike grin on my face when I see that monster skimmer sitting there in all its glory?
I love that monster skimmer sitting there perfectly clean and then the next picture of it hard at work pulling buckets of skimmate out of the water.
God I am such a nerd. :sad:

Repeat after me "My name is [insert name here], and I am a reef-aholic." The first step to a cure is admitting you have a problem.... Aw heck, forget that, you don't have a problem... :D
JustOneMoreTank wrote: Why do I get this big childlike grin on my face when I see that monster skimmer sitting there in all its glory?
I love that monster skimmer sitting there perfectly clean and then the next picture of it hard at work pulling buckets of skimmate out of the water.
God I am such a nerd. :sad:

and that picture was taken using the small pump!
Hey 46bfinga,
Are you running that big skimmer or not? If so are you using a bigger :wow2: pump or just the "small" pump.
im not using it right now.its sitting in my garage waiting for a buyer why you interested?if it doesnt sell in the next few months then ill be using it on my 1000+ gallon system.With the big pump!
46bfinga wrote: im not using it right now.its sitting in my garage waiting for a buyer why you interested?if it doesnt sell in the next few months then ill be using it on my 1000+ gallon system.With the big pump!

1000+ System :wow2:. Can't wait to see that one.
I have just a "small" 120g system so I dont need the monster skimmer. I would really like to see that thing blasting dissolved organics out of a heavily stocked tanks water though. :D
kj_yoda wrote: 1000+ System :wow2:. Can't wait to see that one.

not one tank,but a combination of a 500 gal. fowlr,a 240 cube,a 300 gallon rubbermaid sump/fish hangout,a 150 gallon refugium/frag tank,and a 150 gallon remote dsb tank.they will all be plumbed together as one system.It should be interesting to say the least.Cant wait to start setting it up.I move next week so im hoping to have it all set up by the first of next year.
Well, I got the EV-240... I know it is overkill for a 90G... but what can I say? ;-)
You will hear many, many people around here saying, you can't have too big of a skimmer.