What the heck is this?


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Sorry for the fuzzy pic. I saw this growing under my rock today. It looks like a heart valve or something. The tubes coming from it closed up real quick when I think it was startled. Being fairly new to this hobby I once again do not know if this is bad, good, or just "no biggie". Can anyone enlighten me as to what they think this might be?


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Looks like a Jewel Box Clam
Look it up and see if I'm correct.
Not harmful, just another friendly hitchhiker!
Camellia;968363 wrote: Looks like a Jewel Box Clam
Look it up and see if I'm correct.
Not harmful, just another friendly hitchhiker!

+1 I have a couple in my tank.
It doesn't have a shell or anything. Just growing off the rock. Can it still be a clam?
Im definately not an expert. However. we have had simular hitchikers pop up and it looks like a Tunicate which is a type of Sponge.
I'm guessing sponge too but it's hard to tell from the photo.
After researching and your ideas I am going with tunicate sponge. It stays alive! Thanks everyone for your input.