What the heck is this?


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Anybody have any idea what this is and where it might have come from?

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I found another strip of the snail eggs on the back glass. Something positive after the death of all my fish from either Fluke or a nasty parasite. Here's to Eight weeks of enjoying my corals in a fishless tank.
Sorry to hear about your fish, I lost a tank full of beautiful fish to Brooklynellla. I had to let my tank go fishless for 8 weeks. I concentrated on my rock work and getting my coral placed where I wanted them. The fish disease will not live on your coral, so now is a good time to buy yourself a really nice coral!:D
I'm actually thinking of getting an Emerald Crab. There are a few corals I am looking at. Some fish i will not be replacing. The Atlantic Blue tang I'm still debating. Someone told me Atlantic Tangs should not be in the aquarium trade. Others I am more determined to have again. A Leopard Wrasse is on my must have list.
The issue with Atlantic Blues is that they get HUGE, and they grow pretty quickly.

And they can be real putzes. I had the palm of my hand sliced open once, by a pretty big one, while he was undergoing a freshwater bath for flukes. Can't say as I blame the fish.. but they don't always play well with others.

Sorry to hear about your losses :(

The eight weeks will enable me to save a bit of money to setup a quarantine/ hospital tank.