What to add first


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The tank is 37 gallons tall.

When the tank is done cycling this is the selection of fish i'd like to add. I dont think there are any compatibility problems but let me know if you think there might be. Also, do you think I can add them all at the same time? Or at least order them all the same time so I can QT at the same time and then add them over time?

SW - Flame Angelfish (Central Pacific)
SW - Royal Gramma Basslet (Caribbean) - Small
SW - Hi Fin Red Banded Goby
SW - Ocellaris Clownfish - Medium (2 of them)
SW - Six Line Wrasse

Eventually I also want to add two cleaners, if i can - a pistol shrimp (for the goby), an emerald, and red legs. Oh yeah, and soft corals.
I think the only possible problem fish would be the gramma....they sometimes are territorial. Other than that, order and QT them.
Ya Rookie... You are acting like you have never done this before! ;)

QT them all together, let them become friends in there where there is no territory and then there should be no problems later.
I'd wait quite awhile before adding the angel as they need a well established tank with lots of LR. Other than that, I like your choices.

Want some of this pink pom pom back? I'll send you a few frags.

My sixline is more territorial than my Royal Gramma. But I would order all except the angel. I just got m flame and I let my tank establish for a year. But six months is enough.
TriGa22;190621 wrote: My sixline is more territorial than my Royal Gramma. But I would order all except the angel. I just got m flame and I let my tank establish for a year. But six months is enough.

Yes, my Sixline killed my Royal Gramma. They were in the tank about six months when I noticed it attacking the RG.
brandon....I am a rookie......sort of....I loved my tank but that was my first go and so now I am just making sure i dont repeat mistakes from try 1....

i tell you what though....experience is invaluable in this hobby....i did so many little things to his tank that I wish I had done before.

Thanks for the suggestions though guys. I'll go ahead and wait a while for the angel.

And Linda....glad to hear that xenia is doing well....I amy take you up on that offer actually. I'll let you know.