What to do with the RO/DI waste water

Yes, Gwinnett has good water. I remember years ago, one of the original ARC members hosted a meeting at her home in Lawrenceville. She had a spectacular tank.... and used TAP WATER. :eek:

Yeah, and I am in Gwinnett. Perhaps that's contributing to my success (or rather, lack of problems).

I've spent a bit of time trying exactly to find out what IS in waste water anyway. Came up empty handed though. I suppose if there are things that are not removed by the sediment and carbon filters that they'd be more concentrated, but unless I get a better understanding, I still feel it's off to call it 'waste' water.
The waste water flushes out some of the junk that is removed from the product water. Yes the sediment cartridge will retain some of the particles and the carbon block will absorb and retain some of the chlorine and organics, the membrane will trap some stuff too, and the waste water flushes some of that away.