A great and knowledgeable contributor to the ARC, Ms. JennM always had some great advice. You should always purchase livestock in person. Before you commit to a purchase, have the seller feed the livestock. If food is taken; this is a good sign of a healthy fish or coral. I’ve always tried to research the movement of healthy livestock by visiting reef stores or watching YouTube and other sources to see the normal behaviors of healthy livestock.My husband is anxious to add at least one for fish to the tank. We have the QT empty and ready for new inhabitants after a water change.
We can’t decide what to get. Definitely want a blonde naso tang at some point but have been advise me to add that last.
He loves the fire shrimp but not sure they are a good idea? What about a pistol shrimp/watchman goby pair? I want a lawnmower blenny, he wants something social that will swim around the tank. The chromis is a scared fish and hides if anyone approaches the tank and the clownfish just hang out in the upper back corner, he said he wants to see fish swimming around in there. We’ve looked at dottybacks. Seems like everything we like is not reef safe. I think we may have to resort to ordering fish online which I didn’t want to do. Who is the best company for online fish shopping?
We’re doing research on our own too but like to see what other people have and enjoy.
Thank you wannabe! I already have 2 ocillaris clowns and a blue chromis!!You may want to consider a clown or two. Do some research on clowns, percular or ocellaris clowns are the non aggressive clowns. They are one of my favorite fish in a community tank.
Here’s a chart that maybe useful to you: https://www.liveaquaria.com/general/general.cfm?general_pagesid=540