What type of fish keeper are you?


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Wondering how everyone would rate themselves on their fish selection vs the tank size and setup.

I find myself leaning towards the conservative side of fish selections. Keeping smaller less aggressive fish, even though i have a 250 gallon tank. I love fish, but hate to see fish die.

So how would you rank yourself?
I'm fugitive of the tang police. I have lots of fish in my 45 cube last count was 16 and all of them are fat and get along great. In the last 10 years I've only lost 3 fish and those were jumpers. I've had to remove some from time to time because of the limited space in my tanks. For instance I have a small hippo and yellow tang now that are growing leaps and bounds and will have to be removed by next year. I have a maintenance guy that I sell them to. He loves buying from me because the health and history of the fish is known.
LOL - I thought I was overstocked with 9 in a 65g. Only aggressive fish I have is the yellow tang, which makes me torn because I want some anthias in my next build but I already know this a-hole will probably kill them. I don't want to get rid of him because my son loves him. Other that, all my other fish seem to all get along just fine
considering that I am keeping fish happy & FAT that experts & professionals stated that they can not keep alive...
im with you luke. im fairly conservative and dont like to keep a lot of fish in a tank but thats probably cause i like the coral more than the fish aspect of the hobby. although i did keep a hippo tang in my old 20 long which we all know is a big no no. i got him when he was tiny, maybe an inch long or less and got rid of him when he got to around 2.5-3 inches
Picoreefguy;1077040 wrote: im with you luke. im fairly conservative and dont like to keep a lot of fish in a tank but thats probably cause i like the coral more than the fish aspect of the hobby. although i did keep a hippo tang in my old 20 long which we all know is a big no no. i got him when he was tiny, maybe an inch long or less and got rid of him when he got to around 2.5-3 inches
You can have both but one has to be dedicated to much more intense maintenance routine.
Ralph ATL;1077021 wrote: considering that I am keeping fish happy & FAT that experts & professionals stated that they can not keep alive...

Now that is a true accomplishment! Cudos to you sir!
grouper therapy;1077067 wrote: You can have both but one has to be dedicated to much more intense maintenance routine.

This is me, work work work and feed feed feed....

Spoiled fat peaceful variety of 21 fish in a 75 gallon and loving it :)
Camellia;1077107 wrote: This is me, work work work and feed feed feed....

Spoiled fat peaceful variety of 21 fish in a 75 gallon and loving it :)
21 in a 75? Gosh I've only got 15 in my 220. 6 in my 60, 3 in my nano, 2 in my coral RX tank. In this go around of SPS I've got more acros than anything but I really enjoy every aspect of the hobby.

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Camellia;1077107 wrote: This is me, work work work and feed feed feed....

Spoiled fat peaceful variety of 21 fish in a 75 gallon and loving it :)

Curious to what your stock list is. 21 sounds like a lot do you have lots of corals?

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Camellia;1077107 wrote: This is me, work work work and feed feed feed....

Spoiled fat peaceful variety of 21 fish in a 75 gallon and loving it :)
My bad Deb, 18 in the 45.
I tend to under-stock. Quality, not quantity.

I like oddball stuff too, not necessarily hard to keep but just stuff that people often overlook.

Chalk bass or Tobacco bass are neat, (and small), unusual tangs like Mustard tang, threadfin cardinals and Hutchii anthias (I haven't seen these in forever) are some of my favourites.

I've got 8 fish in my 80gal (3 yellow tangs, 1 starry blenny, 2 occellaris clowns, and 2 pajama cardinals), but plan on being more conservative when I get around to doing a tank reboot. All these fish have been getting along well for over a year, but the tangs and blenny have bullied anything else I put in, and I'd rather replace them with something more interesting. At some point I've gotta bite the bullet and take out all the rock and coral cause they've been very good at avoiding my net :( Definitely want to focus on more peaceful fish.
I love the fish aspect and the coral aspect equally, but my kids really love the fish so gotta have a lot. I have been more conservative in my current tank because it is not a typical reef setup...no sump, hang on skimmer, etc. It is 105 gal and I have 9 fish. A large upgrade is very close and I am really looking forward to stocking it with lots of fish!!

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grouper therapy;1077209 wrote: My bad Deb, 18 in the 45.

Lol, I've got to come see your tank!

I'm guessing several of mine will die of old age before my smaller ones grow up! Six of mine I've owned for 4+ years. In the past, I've always been fish poor.

I just couldn't pass up the last 5. It was somewhat bad timing as I had just purchased 8 fish that were still in multiple QT when I nabbed the beautiful 5 "getting out wrasse" sale. So I've added 9 wrasse + in the last few months.

I do love the smaller unusual guys like Pipe fish, Tail Spot Blenny (think that's its name), Ruby Red Dragonet... They never stop moving around, front and forward.
Several of the new Wrasse are of good size but I've only got one big (Yellow Tang) "Princess" :)
Instead of the old biweekly WC it's now weekly of course.