What was your first fish and your first coral in the hobby?


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Cumming, Georgia
What was your first fish and your first coral in the hobby?

Were they a good choice as your first?

Do you still have them to this day?

For me it was a pair of designer clownfish that I got when I bought my biocube and the first coral was a small piece of green star polyps. I would say they were a good choice entering the hobby. Yes I have them to this day and the green star polyps has grown a lot since I bought it 5 years ago.
My first fish was a Sargent Major. We didn't/couldn't keep coral alive back then.
It was an appropriately named fish too! Not a particularly great fish, as it was a bully.
Don't still have it, that was ... ~48 years ago!
Occ. Clown, dude lived through hell between moving the tank or upgrading every year and 3 days of no power in the 2011? flood. I know it lived to be at least 6 with the first 4 years or so being with me.

First coral I'm not sure. Most memorable purchase though was a green trachy. I think I paid close to $100 for it. Pretty sure the next most expensive coral in the system at the time was $20. Probably used student loan money for it. Still among my favorite corals. Wish I had more room on the sand ed for more.
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