What would YOU do? Battery/Generator plan!

ralph atl

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Hopefully, this will help other members picking a power outage scheme too!
So here's the deal:

My current plan is an APC smart-ups 750 which gives me about an hour for my 2 Tunze's 6105's (45 watts each). I have a portable generator that I can hook up (if I'm there) to support frig, tank, etc.

I received an awesome bid for a Generac Generator 14k whole house backup power supply. But it's still $4900.00...........That is a lot of change that I could do a lot of stuff with for the family. I sold some stocks that will put me within $900.00.........not great, but close enough.

My wife and I live in Flowery Branch, but we both happen to work in Snellville, not close. In power outages, it's difficult to get someone over here to get things rolling.....


I can spend only $1100.00 and get 2 vortech's with a battery backup that supposedly keeps those running for 30 hours or so. I have heard of instances where the vortechs don't start back up though.

2 other factors:

1. A few years ago, due to some family medical issues, we became over burdened with debt which we are actually getting just above water now. This cash would surely be nice to eliminate some bills, get completely caught up, and have some savings for emergencies, too.

2. Vortech's won't take care of heat in winter, and AC in summer during power outages.

OK, so what would you do?
I think the decision regarding the whole house generator depends on the nature of outages you have experienced. If you have them frequently and they last a long time, then I'd go for the Generac for your tank but also for the family.

If they are infrequent and do not last a long time, I would go for the Vortech and battery backups.

The decision to get the Generac would hinge for me on the frequency and length of any outages I have experienced prior, and have theses outages been a major disruption for the family?

In my case, I have not experienced any outages for more than 2-3 hours, and very few of them at that, so I would buy the battery back ups for the Vortechs.

BTW, you'll love the Vortechs over the Tunzes. I just sold 4 x 6105 and bought 4x MP40wES units for my 300 gallon a couple months ago.
Great info, thanks Dave!! The prior two years we have had almost no power outages, this year we have had frequent outages but mostly short in duration. We did have one 8 hour outages cause Charter cut a cable. I was able to get home for that. Before that, infrequent and short except for two long ones like 4 years ago in winter. Hummm. I'm sliding toward vortech. :-)
Ralph, I agree with Dave - although $1100 is a large nut to drop its worth it in an outtage. maybe you could start with just one and put the rest towards debt? Ive ran my 210 with just one MP40es for 8 hours during my replumb with no ill effects.

Would the generator do anything for the value of your home? This would be a part of my decision as well.
Another factor, my Tunzes 6105's are pretty new, and i have the 7095 controller. Selling them will be easy.
If I had the ability, I would go with the whole house generator. My power outages are frequent, but short (rarely lasting more than 10 minutes). However, it only takes one to ruin your tank. As you know, I know this all too well. I had a 4 hour outage, and it took 85% of my livestock out. Life is easier with a generator.

That being said, the Ecotech brand batteries and the vortechs are a remarkable step up for protection. I currently run 3 batteries on my vortechs, and they work well.
One other thing to consider: Tunze just had an across the board 10% price decrease on their product line, so your 6105s will not be worth quite as much used.
I would get (I already have one) a 6500 watt back up generator that can be hooked up in a matter of minutes to power just about everything. Not only for the tank but the fridge, freezer etc. This would set you back around $600 and can be used at home or you can take it camping or whatever. I keep mine in the basement ready to hook up the things in my sump. Always something that you can sell later on if necessary. Dont just buy it and leave it sitting there. Put some gas and oil in it and know how to use it so it will be ready when necessary and have a spare gas can ready.
Thanks everyone for your feedback! I think I'll go with 2 vortechs, and 1 or 2 battery backups. Next year at this time, I'll have the same amount of stocks available to sell, so as long as they don't "tank", lol, I'll have the same opportunity. I'll also have a year under my belt with seeing how these vortechs work in power outages, and should be over the top finance wise. Thanks again! It's a tough call! :-)
Why not add battery backup to your Tunze pumps. They can be powered from batteries too you know. Here is a link to the connector.

great ideas! Thanks! I think the 24 hour batteries from Ecotech will be enough.
This is kind ghetto, but its what I use.


We have 1-2 power outages a year, usually after a storm with trees on power lines. I plug the power inverter into my truck and run an extension cord into the house.

Its enough to keep my 2x koriela 4's running for an hour or two until power flips back on. A heater in the winter would be kind of a concern since those 150w suck a lot of juice, but you could probably cut down to a single power head and throw a heater into the display.
I spent 100.00 on a battery back up that will run I koralia about 30 min. They suck unless you drop several hundred dollars on the.

dawgdude;553234 wrote: What size tank is this? What's to say you can't get a low power koralia and hook just that up to a battery backup. You don't need full on flow, just circulation for O2. Temp is something that is going to draw massive power regardless so that's generator territory.

I think thats the smartest idea after reading the post and hearing your situation. I on the other hand have 3 of 4 power outages a year. Some lasting quite a while due to lightning and trees. Sounds like you have made a fine choice for your situation.

mysterybox;554183 wrote: great ideas! Thanks! I think the 24 hour batteries from Ecotech will be enough.

+1... I dont know what I would do if I came home to that.

jmaneyapanda;553182 wrote: If I had the ability, I would go with the whole house generator. My power outages are frequent, but short (rarely lasting more than 10 minutes). However, it only takes one to ruin your tank. As you know, I know this all too well. I had a 4 hour outage, and it took 85% of my livestock out. Life is easier with a generator.

That being said, the Ecotech brand batteries and the vortechs are a remarkable step up for protection. I currently run 3 batteries on my vortechs, and they work well.
2 MP40es Vortechs up and running with 1 battery back up, and one on the way. I might also get a mp10es.

they last like 36 to 72 hours on battery backup..............

Tunze's sold in a day or 2.