What would you do with new Zoa morph?

Just saw them myself. Awesome!
Just as bright yellow as the pic I posted with a tint of neon green in the fringe and a bright orange slit for the mouth. Jim and James should name them JJ's Exotics
I wanna see them, too! They sound really nice, I've never heard of color scheme on a zoa like that!
Lol. Aren't ya'll like 5 or 6 hrs away from me. I couldn't make that trip..... I wish. Keep describing what they look like, though, you might have to leave the lights on for me!
My yellows:

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Sorry, the macro function on my camera SUCKS
i wonder what that would look like under a 20k mh? these i speak of look like sun coral yellow but a little brighter due to the 20K MH.
^ your not kidding. I hope he sells us one when they are ready. Those in the pic have some greenish hint in the middle. These are yellow, bright yellow....no green hint, no green skirt or small green eye....just yellow.

I'll try to get pics. I'm going through a post tank swap bacteria bloome and my tank has 100% of my attention.
JAustin;348889 wrote: ^ your not kidding. I hope he sells us one when they are ready. Those in the pic have some greenish hint in the middle. These are yellow, bright yellow....no green hint, no green skirt or small green eye....just yellow.

I'll try to get pics. I'm going through a post tank swap bacteria bloome and my tank has 100% of my attention.

Ya, focus on your tank. At some point do give us some pics, and if he sells them, let us know quickly!
They do have an orange slit for the mouth though and the skirt is a slightly different color yellow than the brilliant yellow body. Does Tom have a camera he can post pics with? If ya want to go in on one of the frags he has, let me know. Maybe he'll come off one of the 3
JAustin;348889 wrote: ^ your not kidding. I hope he sells us one when they are ready. Those in the pic have some greenish hint in the middle. These are yellow, bright yellow....no green hint, no green skirt or small green eye....just yellow.

I'll try to get pics. I'm going through a post tank swap bacteria bloome and my tank has 100% of my attention.
I'll tell ya what you should do:

Take a nice macro picture of it.

Name it.

Send me a picture and I'll post it on my blog http://www.rarezoanthids.com">www.rarezoanthids.com</a>

